Pretoria Deeds Office

The Property Law Committee had a brief consultation with the Registrar of Deed , Pretoria , and the following was held with regard to the application and implementation of CRC 3 of 2020 pertaining to the inclusion of LPC Numbers in deeds and documents:

  1. Documents or Notarial deeds signed/ attested before the 13th of October need not have the LPC numbers of conveyancers/ Notaries  therein.
  2. All deeds lodged  / attested after the 13th of October will require the LPC number of the preparer and the appearer or Notary therein.
  3. Powers of Attorney  signed after the 13th of October will have to include the LPC numbers of all appointed appearers therein.

It is trusted that this provides more clarity on the issue

Email from:
Allen West
012 346 1278


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