12 September, Melville/Johannesburg (8h30 – 15h00) – What can Legal Design do for you? An introductory, hands-on workshop.
Immerse yourself in Legal Design principles and its practical application … but: What is Legal Design and why does it matter to me?
Legal design is the application of human-centered design to the world of law, to make legal systems and services more human-centered, usable, and satisfying. Legal design is a way of assessing and creating legal services, with a focus on how usable, useful, and engaging these services are.
For a (future) lawyer or in-house counsel, there are two good arguments to join:
- The number and complexity of compliance rules and data privacy policies is literally increasing by the hour. Managing contracts has become the core focus of many professionals. What do they have in common? It has become crucial HOW we communicate the law to those it affects.
- Legal Design by nature fosters the development of huge range of skills and practical experience relevant in today’s changing legal landscape – creativity, collaboration, visual thinking, critical analysis, problem solving, empathy, communication, legal project management, insight gathering, etc.
Target audience: Legal practitioners (private practice and in-house counsel), as well as UX designers, developers and solution architects interested and/or active in the legal profession, university lecturers and researchers
Pre-requisite: Openness to new thinking and lots of enthusiasm
Link to registration: https://legalprojectmanagement.africa/collections/workshops/products/what-can-legal-design-do-for-you-an-introductory-hands-on-workshop