
South Africans can now access and enjoy free legal advice through Molao365. Molao365, is an online free legal advice service offered via an application. Legal advice is offered absolutely free by qualified and experienced lawyers. The legal advice is offered in most local South African languages.

South Africa has a world-renowned Constitution which offers leading practices for the rights of all who live in the country. The majority of people are not fully benefiting from the Constitution because of:

  • The high legal costs in fully understanding and accessing the Constitution and its accompanying rights.
  • Low literacy levels on the full benefits of the Constitution and its accompanying rights.
  • The legal processes that enable Constitutional benefits are cumbersome and complicated for the majority of the population.

It is against this background that Molao365 exploited (exploits) the opportunities and capabilities of technology to offer free legal advice via a secure online chat service. The legal advisory services are provided by a team of experienced legal experts. The legal team is  available twenty-four hours a day, Seven days a week.

The majority of the population needs legal awareness and literacy as opposed to legal representation, added Ms Gugu Gumede. With Molao365, clients only pay for legal work to be conducted and /or legal representation in court or institutions etc. Molao365 is not an insurance that people have to sign up for and pay for which is the case with most legal products currently in the market. There are no monthly subscriptions. The application can be downloaded free of charge on devices using both Android and iOS operating systems. 

The current legal business model is exploitative for example even if you want to make enquiries about deceased estates, wills, types of marriages, you will be charged around R5000 “for the opening of the file and consultation”. However, in our experience most people just need legal literacy and not legal representation. People tend to shy away from using any form of legal services. Case in point, about 40% of old Soweto Township sections are unresolved deceased estates, explained Ms Gumede, founding member of Molao365.

Molao365 is available to all South Africans and can be used as and when legal advice is needed. One does not need to subscribe nor become a member. Molao365 is easy to use. Simply – download the application, register and ask your question.

Molao365 on Android

Molao365 on iOS


  1. Hie l have a Problem l was dismissed unfare where l was working and now if l call them they just cut me off Four years working for them but just fire me like nothing just for eating left over for Sushi and we where Two but only me was dismissed please help me l dont understand maybe thats how it supposed to be it will be easy for me to get hold by Phone call or whatsapp Cell number 0719877311

  2. Hi I had a divorce case recently and it’s done now but my lawyer wants a large amount of money for cancelation fees he says so is this the right thing or is he taking me for a ride

  3. Hi there Neelan,
    Perhaps I can assist.
    First, I’d need to know what you mean by “cancellation fees”?
    Cancellation fees for what exactly?
    Please spell out clearly what money this lawyer wants from you and on what basis.

    Best regards
    Barry Varkel

  4. When you claim maintenance for yourself during a divorce and they ask you about the money you have had after selling your stuff to get money and you used it to help someone else who needed help and now you need money yourself can they arrest you for that when you speak the truth

  5. Hey, can I claim the property that was taken from me by the tribal council that I paid for in 2016 but never stayed the but did build a shack as it is stated that I should develop in six months and the shack flee recently and when I got there I am told that I did not develop the piece of land whereas there was a shack that I constantly visited and could not afford to build a permanent structure there, I visited the stand in December and January my stand was sold to my neighbors I only realise In march same year

  6. Hi, I need some legal advice on a matter. I am a landlady and I have a tenant who hasn’t paid their rent since February. There is no lease and the person has disappeared from the face of the earth. I tried going to the police station and small claims court but to no assistance. His belongings are still there and I want to take them out and sell them because I’ve had enough of this.


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