investintechThe modern workplace is packed with information whose management is becoming a standard task in almost every industry.

This is especially prominent in the legal sector, where lawyers can get easily lost in the amount of reports they deal on a daily basis. On top of that, being a lawyer can be a really stressful job, as your focus is constantly divided between client needs and administrational requirements. As someone who is constantly in touch with people, not only do you need to deal with every single individual’s case separately (which is a big enough challenge on its own), but you also need to carefully keep track of all types of legal documentation.

A lot of times that legal documentation comes in PDF, a form which is widely used for its file security characteristics. Unfortunately for us, those PDFs often need to be edited and repurposed. For example, if you would like to reuse an existing mortgage form, you would need to manually rewrite the entire PDF document into an editable format such as the commonly used MS Word, which takes several hours and other resources. As an answer to these problems, we’ve found an online tool that can do exactly that, but in just a couple of minutes and free of charge.

The tool is Investintech’s PDF OCR tool. This free and reliable service converts both scanned and native PDFs into Word, without losing any information in the process. What separates it from similar tools is that it has no limitations to the file size or the number of conversions. If you want to try it, here is a quick three-step guide to get you started:

  1. Select a PDF file that you would like to convert. You can select both scanned and native PDFs.
  2. Type your email address to which the converted file will be delivered. There is also an option to subscribe to the newsletter, if you are interested in receiving other news, tips, and discount offers.
  3. Simply press the Start button and you are done. Soon enough, you will receive an email with a link to your converted file. Simple as that.


This type of tool is, obviously, not limited to lawyers. Its trustworthiness lies in the fact that it is widely used by all business professionals who need to quickly convert scanned PDFs to editable files whenever they need to reuse and edit their documents.

As you embrace the new, digital self, you might want to check out these 5 Chrome apps that lawyers should be using. Now that we completely equipped you for time saving and productivity, you can enjoy that extra time by improving other skills. We rest our case.


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