Registrar’s Notice No.5: to Deeds Office Clients
Re: Deeds Office-Jhb Arrangements for Alert Level 1
1. Purpose
1.1 To notify all clients of the way-forward by allowing all other stake holders in the building following the announcement of Covid19 Risk Adjustment Alert Level 1 which commenced on 01 March 2021.
2. Phase in approach to be followed.
2.1 All stakeholders (Attorneys, Notaries and Prep Clerks) will be allowed in the Deeds Office building under the following strict protocol and condition:
– Only one (1) Prep Clerk per conveyancer will be allowed at this stage of lockdown.
– Conveyancers must notify the office by sending any change and new arrangements for their nominated Prep Clerks to the email address under clause 7 in a formal letter containing names of all outgoing and new Prep Clerks working for their firms and a plan on how they will be rotated them to allow everyone an opportunity to work during this Level by not later than 10″ March 2021 at 12:00pm.
– Security will be providing tags for Prep Clerks when entering to ensure that the area is not over crowded as only 50% of the floor area can be used.
3. Pre-linking, consultations and removal of notes
3.1 Pre-linking for lodgement will still be done externally in the 16Floor room provided by JAA until such time as an alternative space is availed on 26th Floor.
3.2 The current arrangement regarding removal of notes and consultation on appointment will still be in place. However conveyancers and Prep Clerk (to a limited extend) will be allowed to approach examiners should notes not be attended to within the time frame set for examiners (08:00am – 10:30am) to remove notes on 26″ Floor.
3.3 Scan Back’s, expeditions and ADHOC requests for permission must still be placed in a drop-box at DOTS Section with a clear note on the cover indicating the facts and reasons for the request in a provided form.
3.4 Clients are still prohibited to enter Sections where access is restricted and should there be a need, prior approval must be granted by the relevant Assistant of Registrar Deeds upon request and shall be accompanied by the official of the relevant section.
4. Deed’s Office process tour.
4.1 Tours will only be allowed in the afternoon subject to prior arrangements and appointment and approval by Senior Management or Assistant Registrar of Deeds: Training Section and limited numbers (maxim of 10 guests per tour).
5. Serving of Documents
5.2 Clients will be allowed to access the Registry Section on 22″Floorto serve documents, however we still encourage clients to make use of electronic/ email platform to serve documents.
5.3 Serving notices i.e JJJ, KKK, notice of motion and other related notices should still be sent via email as per current procedure.
6. Current Covid19 limitation and protocols
6.1 The current internal Covid19 limitation, protocols and measure implemented to minimise the spread of the of Covid19 and possible transmissions must still be strictly observed and adhered to.
7. Emails to be used:
– OR Changes of Prep clerk who can access the Deeds Office and Appointment with Senior Managers (Deputies and Registrar of Deeds)
– Arrangement of Deeds Office process tours.
– Serving of documents (JJJ, KKK, notices of motion etc) electronically.
This notice will be effective from Tuesday, 09 March 2021
Date 08/03/2021