Latest Deeds Office News & Notices

Deeds Office Volumes

All Deeds Offices
10th December 2024

Management has provided the following update:

SITA,  the company that is providing IT facility for all government institutions are currently upgrading the system. For this reason deeds offices cannot access information that is necessary to place lodgements that was done after system shutdown on prep. However, we have been assured that all matters lodged after shut down will go to level one today and all other functions such as endorsements examining on face value et cetera will be conducted, pending provision of printouts.

Lodgements will   move through  the system and printouts will be done the moment the system comes back online and will then be verified by seniors before placing your matters on prep.

Matters that was lodged before system shut down will come on prep in the normal course and black bookings can also be done.

For other functions laptops are being utilised to complete the processes.

Management requested that you kindly inform your clients that they are doing all they can to mitigate the situation.


Allen West
Property Law Consultant

South Gauteng Deeds Registry
3rd December 2024

The provisions of Chief Registrar’s Circular No. 5 of 2024 will not find application in the South Gauteng Deeds Registry, see the proviso in section 3(1)(z) of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937.


Mpumalanga Deeds Office
5th December 2024

Changes to SPLUMA Certificates for Mpumalanga Transfers

On 19 November 2024, the Constitutional Court Judgment (Case CCT189/2022 and CCT191/2022) declared certain sections of the relevant SPLUM By-Laws to be inconsistent with the Constitution of South Africa and invalid.

Therefore, the Mpumalanga Deeds Office has unofficially indicated that from 5 December 2024, lodgment of a SPLUMA certificate will no longer be required by their office in order to affect registration of transfer of properties in any municipal districts within the Mpumalanga province.

In it’s stead, you  will be required to lodge a Conveyancer Certificate, making reference to the above Judgment, the section of the relevant By-Law, as well as the Municipality in which jurisdiction the property is situated.


North Gauteng Registry
4th December 2024


Kindly take note that the office will be participating in the campaign of 16 days of activism against (GBV) on the 06TH of December 2024 (Friday ).
More than half of the employees will be attending the event ,which will be held outside the office. The office will be operating on skeleton staff.
As a result there will be a double registration on the 05th of December 2024 (Thursday).
The legal fraternity is requested to utilise the” double” registration fully on Thursday.
Information section will close at 12:00 on the 06th of December 2024
Your cooperation will be highly appreciated in this regard.

Kind regards

Registrar of Deeds: North Gauteng
Deeds Registry

North Gauteng Registry
26th November 2024


Due to the implementation of the Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Amendment Act 6 of 2021, Chief Registrar’s Circular 5 of 2024 was issued to ensure uniformity in all Deeds Registries, as a result Registrar’s Circular 1 of 2024 is hereby withdrawn.

DATE: 26th November 2024


Deeds Office Communication
14th May 2024

Lodgement of General and Special Power of Attorney

All Conveyancers

Please note the following important change.

The person signing the preparation clause ( prep clause) in terms of Regulations 43(1) and 44 (1) of the Deeds Registries Act 47/1937 accepts, in terms of section 15A (1) and (2) of the Deeds Registries Act 47/1937 responsibility as provided in terms of Reg 44A (d) (ii), in the case of a document referred to in Regulation 44 (1), that the necessary authority has been obtained for the signing of such document in a representative capacity on behalf of a natural person, company, close corporation, etc .

However, Regulation 65(1) of the Deeds Registries Act 47/1937 requires the lodgment of the original power of attorney under which a person acts where he/she seeks to pass, cede, or cancel a deed or to perform any act in a Deeds Registry.

In light of the above, and even though the person who signs the Prep Clause in a deed, accepts responsibility that the necessary authority has been obtained for the signing of documents in a representative capacity, the conveyancer is required in terms of Regulation 65 (1) to lodge the original power under which the representative claims to act.

Therefore, where an agent acts in terms of a General Power of Attorney / Special Power of Attorney ,the original power of attorney must be lodged in terms of Regulation 65(1) of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937.

The change is effective immediately.

Allen West

Cape Town Deeds Office
5th April 2024

Relocation of our Western Cape Departmental Offices

We would like to inform you of an exciting development at Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development branch, Registrar of Deeds: Cape Town Office.

In our ongoing efforts to enhance our services and provide a more conducive work environment for our staff and clients, we are pleased to announce that we will be relocating from our current office at 90 Plein Street building to Foreshore Place, 2 Riebeek Street, Cape Town Central Business District.

The specific date of the relocation, along with detailed logistics, will be communicated to you timeously.

As our valued clients, recognising that this relocation may cause some inconvenience to you, we would appreciate your patience and support to ensure that the whole relocation process becomes a success.

We want to assure you that we are committed to minimising any disruptions to our services during the relocation process. Our contact numbers and email addresses will remain the same, ensuring that you can reach us without any interruptions.

Should you have any queries regarding the relocation, please feel free to contact our communications manager Mr Vuyani Nkasayi on 083 579 1516 or and Registrar of Deeds Cape Town Mr. Given Gabara at or 082 448 3202.

We value your understanding and thank you for continued support.

Kind Regards
DATE: 5th April 2024


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated: 27th March 2024


Please note that due to the Easter Holidays and long weekend holidays the office will close at 10h00 on 28.03.2024 in line with the Circular 26 of 2024 issued by the Director General. 

The office will be closed for conveyancers and members of the Public.

Conveyancers are encouraged to make arrangements on time for registrations and clearances that are expiring and not wait for last minute arrangements.

Double executions on 27.03.2024 will commence at 09h00 in the morning until 12h00. No late registrations will be accepted.

DATE: 26.03.2024


King Williams Town Deeds Office
26th March 2024


1.The Deeds Office King Willams Town is anticipating that the office will close at 10h00 on Thursday. 28 March 2024 and re-open on Tuesday, 02 April 2024.

2.Please note registration/execution of deeds will take place from 08:30 to 11:30 on Wednesday, 27 March 2024.

3.No lodgement nor registrations will take place on Thursday, 28 March 2024.

4.We wish you and your family a happy and safe Easter weekend.


DATE: 26 March 2024


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated: 6th March 2024

Notice to Conveyancers:

Kindly note that the Pretoria Deeds Office will be closed on the 18th March 2024 due to the launching of the DidiDeeds event.

To accommodate conveyancers, the office will allow for the putting forward of deeds and double execution on the 15th March 2024. Execution time will therefore be extended until 12h00.

Acting Registrar of Deeds
GWM Ngapo

Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated: 28th February 2024


Dear Conveyancers /Clients

1. You are hereby reminded that invoices/statements reflecting transactions executed/registered in January 2024 were issued at the beginning of February 2024. You are therefore kindly reminded to settle your January 2024 invoices before or on 29 February 2024.

2. Please note that your account will be suspended on 1 March 2024 if the January 2024 invoice/statement is not settled on 29 February 2024.

3. Please ensure that the proof of payment is emailed to our office timeously , by no later than 12pm on 29 February 2024.

4. Clients are urged to settle their accounts before 29 February 2024, do not wait until the last day of the month.

Kind regards,
Allen West
Property Law Consultant

Pretoria and Johannesburg Deeds Offices
Dated: 31st December 2023

City of Ekurhuleni Finance Department
The Chief Registrar
The Registrar Johannesburg Deed Office 
The Registrar Pretoria Deeds Office

31 December 2023

Re: The Municipal Property Rates Act No. 6 of 2004.

1.    In terms of section 89(3) of the above Act, Registrars of Deeds are compelled to call for rates clearance certificates with the transfer of all “property” as defined in section 1 of the said Act, as from 2 July 2009.

2.    As an interim measure, and until a final arrangement as to the rating of property is made, the following measures will apply.

2.1. Registrars of Deeds need not insist on rate clearance certificate for rights registered against immovable property as provided for in the definition of property. This will have the effect that no rates clearance certificate need be called for the registration of inter alia, exclusive use areas, cessions of real rights of extension, cession of lease agreements and the cession of servitudes.

2.2. With regard to sectional title developments, the following will apply:

2.2.1.       with regard to the registration of the opening of sectional title registers:    a clearance certificate for the land on which the register is to be opened must be lodged with the application for the opening of a sectional title register; and    no separate clearance certificates need to be lodged for the transfer of any sections which are registered simultaneously with the opening of a sectional title register. The clearance certificate for the land lodged as contemplated in paragraph above will therefore suffice 

2.2.2.      for the transfers of sections registered simultaneous with the opening of the sectional title register;

2.2.3.        with regard to the registration of extensions of sectional title schemes:     no clearance certificate for the land as contemplated in paragraph above need to be lodged with the application for the extension of a sectional title scheme; and    no clearance certificates need to be lodged for the transfer of any sections forming part of such extension which are registered simultaneously with the registration of the extension of a scheme.

3.    As already alluded to, the above is an interim measure until such time that Municipal Property Rates Act 6 of 2004 is amended to accommodate the above-mentioned.

4.    Kindly note that the above measures only cover “property” falling within the jurisdiction of the City of Ekurhuleni.

5.    This notification would be valid until 31 December 2024 or until such time before said date when alternative measures are put into place.


Lereku Leku
City of Ekurhuleni


Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated: 1st December 2023




1.1.  The purpose of this circular is to provide guidelines for the practice and procedure relating to the restoration of incorrectly rejected deeds and documents, the withdrawal of deeds and documents, and the blackbooking of deeds and documents, in the Cape Town Deeds Registry. 

1.2.  In line with the evolving needs of the Deeds Registry and improving services, this Circular supersedes Registrar’s Circular RC9/1990; RC8/2018, and Notice 1/2013; 4/2013; 1,2,3/2015; 1/2023 and provides an updated framework for more efficient and equitable practices. 


2.1.  The duty to re-examine deeds and documents lies with the Senior Examiner/Assistant Registrar/Deputy Registrar (Examiner) and applies only when deeds and documents are incorrectly rejected, unless otherwise instructed by the Deputy Registrar/Registrar. 

2.2.  Examiners are urged to exercise their discretion when passing or rejecting deeds and documents by applying the principles of fairness and reasonableness considering the service delivery requirements of the Deeds Registry. 

2.3.  The following procedure is to be followed by conveyancers when deeds and documents are incorrectly rejected: – 

2.3.1 A request for restoration must be made within 2 days after the deeds and documents are rejected (Scanned out of the system). Should no request be made within 2 days, such deeds and documents will have to be re-lodged and will follow the normal process of examination, despite the notes being removed by the examiner and deeds and documents passed. 

2.3.2  The Conveyancer must complete the prescribed form (Attached Annexure A) and consult with the relevant Senior Examiner/ Assistant Registrar/Deputy Registrar who examined the deeds and documents to re-examine based on facts presented to him/her regarding the note/s made. 

2.3.3  The Examiner must pass the deeds and documents, and indicate on the form that the restoration is approved. The signed form must be filed as a document with the deeds and documents. If the Examiner does not agree that the note is incorrect, the next level (Assistant Registrar/Deputy Registrar of that Examiner) must be approached for a resolution. 

2.3.4  If the relevant Examiner is not available, notes must be discussed with the next level supervisor. 

2.3.5  The responsibility of passing incorrectly rejected deeds and documents lies with the relevant Examiner who must be consulted before the conveyancer presents the request for restoration to the Deputy Registrar or Assistant Registrar on duty on that specific day. 

2.3.6  The Deputy Registrar or Assistant Registrar on duty will thoroughly review the application and will approve or disapprove the restoration. In case of approval, the conveyancer must take deeds and documents to Front Counter (DOTS) for corrective maintenance in order for the deeds to be scanned into “INTO DEEDS PREP“ tracking point Whereafter the deeds will be handed to the conveyancer for further processing. In matters that require further discussion with Examiners, the Deputy Registrar or Assistant Registrar on duty on that specific day will facilitate the corrective maintenance process whereafter the deeds will be placed in the conveyancers prep box. In case of disapproval, and should the conveyancer wish to appeal the decision, the procedure in paragraph 7 below must be followed. 

2.3.7  Where an application for restoration has not been approved the deeds and documents must be relodged and will follow the normal office practice and procedure. 


3.1 The application for expedition (Annexure B) of deeds and documents must be completed and submitted to the Deputy Registrar or Assistant Registrar on duty on that specific day in compliance with Chief Registrar’s Circular 6/2019. 


4.1 The application (Annexure C) for withdrawal of deeds and documents (including the blanking of covers) must be completed in duplicate and submitted to the Assistant Registrar responsible for the section as indicated on the Deeds Office Tracking System (DOTS) status for approval. In the absence of the Assistant Registrar of the Section, the application must be submitted to the Deputy Registrar of Deeds or Assistant Registrar of Deeds on duty on that specific day. 

4.2 The fees as provided in regulation 84 (Item 1(e)) of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 will be charged for withdrawal (including the blanking of covers


5.1 The application for Blackbooking (Annexure D) of deeds and documents must be completed and submitted for approval to the Assistant Registrar responsible for the Execution room. 

5.2 The Office is committed to meeting operational plan targets for availing deeds and documents for preparation and delivery. Requests for blackbooking, where the office has complied with its turn-around times will not be considered. 


6.1 It is imperative to note that the Registrar of Deeds examines lodged deeds and documents. Requests for ruling/opinion that pertain to legal issues will be considered, rather than how deeds should be drafted. 

6.2 Ruling/opinion requests must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar, where they will be attended to in accordance with established office practice and procedure, and applicable legislation. The request must be accompanied by a proposed resolution. 

6.3 The rulings made will only be applicable to the matter being submitted. 


7.1 The Registrar may only be approached after the conveyancer has exhausted all of the above-mentioned procedures. An appointment to discuss matters relating to the above or any other matter may be made between 09h00-10h00 and 13h15-14h15 each day. 


This Circular comes into effect from 04 December 2023. 



Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office
Dated 27th November 2023 – 12:03

Registrars Circular 5/2023


  1. To have uniform practice in respect of Regulation 68 and all other transactions that require copies prior to examination, and to prevent unnecessary rejections and delays in registration.
  2. Noncompliance with RC17/1998- which relates to disclosure of title/bond/other deeds (lodged in the deed) on the lodgement cover.


  1. A procedure is in place in respect of Regulation 68 applications that require copies prior to examination, which requires these deeds to be endorsed on the cover with a VA stamp for clear identification. These deeds are also separated from other transactions when lodged by way of baskets at lodgement section which are clearly marked for New VA deeds and Queried VA deeds. In July 2023 an e-mail was sent to all clients indicating that this procedure has been extended to all other deeds requirinq copies as allowed for in Act 47/1937 where the clients original is not available (e.g. Sheriff transfers, Sale in Liquidation/Insolvency, Revocation of PA, Item 28(1), Expro. Transfers etc. (this is not an exhausted list). The email clearly stated that failure to comply will result in rejection. However, transactions are lodged on a daily basis without being clearly marked as VA and are also not being separated from other transactions resulting in deeds being distributed to examiners without copies or being rejected and thus causing unnecessary delays.
  2. Clients are failing to indicate the number of the holding title, bond, other deeds lodged, or they are indicating the incorrect numbers on the front covers. In the latter case the lodgement staff have indicated not lodged on the cover.


  1. All deeds lodged which require a copy irrespective of whether it is in terms of regulation 68[including regulation 68(11)j or any other provision of the Act must be clearly marked as VA on the cover of the number 1 deed of the set as well as the deed that actually requires the copv. These deeds must be placed in the relevant baskets provided at lodgements for new or queried VA’s. So that these deeds can be

forwarded to the section responsible for issuing the copies without delay. Failure to comply will result in rejection.

  1. Every deed lodged in this office must have the relevant Title/Bond/Other Deed number written in the appropriate space on the front of the lodgement cover. The lodgement clerk will initial beside the Title/Bond/Other Deed number as proof that the relevant deed was lodged. The deeds office will only take responsibility for the Title/Bond/Other Deed that has been acknowledged by the lodgement clerk (not for incorrect references on the cover or where only one number is reflected on the cover but more than one deed has been lodged in the cover). Strict compliance will be enforced as of date of issue hereof.

RC17/1998 is hereby withdrawn.

Pico Moshodi
Registrar of Deeds: Pietermaritzburg


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated: 13th November 2023 – 6:50am

Kindly note on the following received from the Registrar of Deeds , Pretoria :

It has come to management’s attention that some conveyancers are still using the old building address

on the section 38 advertisement (documents lain for inspection).

The adverts should refer to PRETORIA DEEDS OFFICE

Please note that this applies to advertisements in terms of Reg 68 as well.

Allen West
Property Law Consultant
Tokin Clacey Pretoria

King William’s Town Deeds Office
27th October 2023 – 10am


  1. Introduction

Regulation 68 (1E)(a) provides that certified copies of deeds referred to in sub- regulation (1) may not be issued unless the applicant has published, substantially in the prescribed form

  1. A notice of intention to apply for such certified copies in a recognised newspaper circulating in the area in which the land is situated,
  2. And in the case of a notarial bond, in a recognised newspaper in the area of where the debtor resides and, in the area, where the debtor carries on business.

1.3  The notice of intention must lay open for inspection in the Deeds Registry to allow interested persons/parties to file objections. If no objections is received by the Registrar of Deeds within 2 weeks from the date of publication, then such copy of deed/s may be issued by the Registrar nf Deeds.

  1. New Deeds Office Procedure

The following procedure must be followed:

  1. The conveyancer must first obtain a signed VA slip as proof that the copy is available and printable as per RC5/2017.
  2. Once VA slip is received, the conveyancer must lodge a Form JJJ (see Government Gazette no 42813 dated 1 November 2019) in respect of deeds OR Form KKK in respect of bonds.
  3. The Notice (Form JJJ OR KKK) MUST be signed by the APPLICANT (i.e Reqistered owner) OR his duly authorised agent.
  4. Once the two weeks from date of submission to the Registrar of Deeds for lying for inspection has lapsed, the Form JJJ or KKK will be placed in the pigeon whole of the firm and that will serve as an indication that there was no objection received and they can lodge.
  5. There will be a register placed at the lodgement area where conveyancers/ their clerks are requested to sign daily upon submission of the said forms.
  6. The following are to be lodged for lying for inspection, with the Form JJJ / Form KKK when this circular comes into operation:
    1. Signed form JJJ / KKK by the applicant. If applicant is unable to sign as per clause 2.3 above, proof of authorisation to be lodged as per above
    2. Signed VA slip by the ARD: Information Section.
  1. In a situation where the date of the Form JJJ and / or advert goes far back, approval must be obtained from the Deputy or Registrar of Deeds prior to lodgement.

In instances where the required copy is available on deeds view, it will not be necessary for a VAbslip to be obtained prior to lodgement, a conveyancer certificate to the fact that the copy is available on deeds view is sufficient.

All deeds lodged and require a copy, must be written the words VA on the cover (using a RED marking pen) to clearly identify them in order for a requested VA deed to reach Distribution Section speedily so that Examiners can get the application together with the expected copy.

  1. RC3/2022 is hereby withdrawn.

This circular is effective from the 1″* of November 2023

Registrar of Deeds – King William’s Town


All Deeds Offices
Dated 25th October 2023

Dear All

Please be reminded that the practice to merely have the execution clause on the last page of deeds , bonds , ANCs and other Notarial deeds is no longer allowed

Johannesburg deeds registry has already informed all conveyancers of this practice and other deeds offices will follow suite

To prevent future rejections , part of the deed must also be on the last page above the execution clause.

Please take heed.

Allen West
Property Law Consultant
Tokin Clacey Pretoria

Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated 25th October 2023

Dear Conveyancers

You are cordially invited to the Deeds Office Western Cape – 90 Plein Street , Cape Town to welcome and meet the new Registrar of Deeds : Mr Given Gabara.

Time :9:00am

Date: 2 November 2023

VENUE: 12th floor – execution room

We look forward to your attendance.

Kind regards

Insaaf Davids”


Pretoria Deeds Office – Black Booking an putting forward
Dated: 9th June 2023

The Registrar of Deeds Pretoria will not allow black book and putting forward of deeds from today.

The only exceptions will be when it is the last day for registration or the clearance expires.

Anton Theron via Allen West


Dated: 11th April 2022


1. The above subject refers.

2. NEHAWU and Public Servants Association (PSA) hereby notify their members jointly.

3. The department has requested labor to allow Deeds office staff to relocate to the new building while the unions and the employer are discussing issues that labor had raised as concerns pertaining to the relocation. The request was precipitated by fact that many files and other operational equipment had already been parked and moved to the new building before the process was put on hold due consultations with labor. In addition, the Deeds’ stakeholders (conveyancers) are also threatening court action should the Deeds not start operations next week on the 17 April 2023 as had been promised and communicated through the media.

4. Labor hereby informs all its members based at Deeds that all the issues that had been raised as concerns such as parking, shuttle services and the open plan matter will remain as part of the agenda during the ongoing consultations. Labor has urged the employer to finalize the consultations on relocation this week so as avoid any further confusion.

5. For more information, contact the officials mentioned below:

Zama Mpekule E-mail:    
Timothy Mathibela E-mail:
Gracia Rikhotso, PSA Chief Negotiator E-mail:    
Thomas Ngoveni E-mail:  

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated: 6th April 2023


The Deeds office will be closed for business until the 16th of April due to the movement of operations to the new offices.

Operations will resume on the 17th of April at the new premises that are located at:

National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development 

600 Lilian Ngonyi Street 

Berea Park 



Deeds management wish to apologies for the inaccurate communication that went out on the yesterday

“We therefore appeal to our clients to bear with us. Other Deeds office accross the country remain open.”

Issued by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on behalf of the Deeds Registrar:
Media Liaison Officer and Spokesperson: Mr Reggie Ngcobo,  
0662980980 or
Eviction Toll-free Number 0800 007 095


Dated 6th April 2023 – 7am

The Office of the Director-General: 
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development 
Agriculture Place 
20 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001 

Attention: Mr Mooketsa Ramasodi 

Via email: 

Dear Sir, 


We refer to the abovementioned matter. 

1. By way of an introduction, the Pretoria Attorneys Association (“the PAA”) is a voluntary organisation whose members include conveyancers that operate conveyancing firms in the jurisdictional area of the Pretoria Deeds Registry. 

2. The PAA holds monthly meetings with the management of the Pretoria deeds office to discuss matters which affect our members and their clients, and to ensure the efficient operation of the deeds registration services at the Pretoria deeds office. 

3. On the 8th of March 2023 the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria issued a Conveyancers Notice (“the Notice”) regarding the relocation of the Pretoria deeds office from Merino Building to Berea Park, 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street, Pretoria Central. A copy of the Notice is attached and marked as Annexure “A”. 

4. The relocation of the Pretoria deeds office has been raised and discussed at our monthly meetings with the Management of the Pretoria deeds office and we were under the impression that the relocation would take place from the 6th to the 14th of April 2023 as per the Notice. 

5. According to the Notice the last day for lodgements was the 31st of March 2023 and the last for execution of deeds was today, the 5th of April 2023. 

6. From the 31st of March 2023 until the 5th of April 2023, our members have been hard at work to ensure that matters get finalised in anticipation of the planned relocation. 

7. Earlier today, the Management at Pretoria deeds office called a meeting with all the staff members and we understand that it was conveyed during the meeting that the relocation has been placed on hold. 

8. Subsequent to the meeting, a notice was issued by the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria advising that the Pretoria deeds office will be closed indefinitely with effect from the 6th of April 2023 until further notice and that all queries should be directed to your office. A copy of the said notice is attached and marked as Annexure “B”. 

9. The latest notice from the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria continues to fuel anxiety and panic to the conveyancing fraternity due to its lack of detail regarding, amongst other things: 9.1. the cause of the deeds office closure; 

9.2. the expected resumption date; 

9.3. the status of the relocation; and 

9.4. most importantly, how service delivery to our members and their clients, being members of the public, shall be addressed. 

10. The Pretoria deeds office performs a very important economic function to various stakeholders including but not limited to conveyancers, commercial and private property owners, the banks and the general public, and we therefore require transparent communication in all matters that might hinder the execution of this important function. 

11. We kindly urge you to provide us with detailed information pertaining to the notice that was issued by the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria today, and the planned course of action to ensure that there is no disruption to service delivery. 

12. Due to the urgency of this matter, we shall appreciate receiving your response before 10h00am on the 6th of April 2023 failing which, we shall proceed to obtain legal assistance on the matter. 

Yours faithfully, 

Tiaan Joubert (Chairperson) 

(checked and signed electronically) 


Relocation of Deeds Office Pretoria
Dated 5th April 11:25AM

The Deeds Office is closing today for registrations until further notice.
The status of the move still uncertain but staff back on Tuesday.
Unless advised otherwise the Deeds Office is closed next week.
Further communications will follow.

Kind regards,
Allen West


City Of Johannesburg rates update
Dated: 30 March 2023

Kindly note the rates update, please bear in mind that this situation is fluid at the moment :-

•             Rates clearance Certificates (RCC) where Rates clearance figures (RCF) were paid before the SAP shutdown are being issued currently;

•             RCC where RCF were paid during the SAP shutdown are being allocated and RCC will follow – no time frame;

•             No RCF can been applied for via the E clearance system as it is still not accessible;

•             No RCF can been applied for manually as they will not be processed;

•             COJ are running / will run their billing cycle from yesterday to weekend to update their billing records, before the E Clearance system is opened up to enable Rates to issue updated RCF;

•             Conveyancers should be able to access the E clearance system by next week;

•             Manual applications will only be processed after the billing cycle has completed at which time the COJ billing updates the accounts.

We will keep you updated of any changes.

Kind regards,

Allen West
Property Law Consultant


Relocation of Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated: 30th March 2023

The PAA Prop com is currently waiting for final instructions from the Acting Registrar of Deeds regarding the relocation and procedures that will be applied in respect of lodgements etc.
At close of business yesterday, the Acting Registrar advised that the status quo remains and the last day for lodgements will be tomorrow the 31st of March. Any changes will be communicated by the PAA as soon as it is received from the officials.

Allen West


Circular to SAACPP members on Alienation of Private Water
Dated: 27th March 2023


The matter before the Court included an interpretation of Section 25(1) and (2) of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998) and, more specifically, to determine whether a water use entitlement, obtained in terms of said Act may be transferred to a 3rd party. Also, if such transfer was indeed found to be lawful, the Court was also requested to determine whether a fee may be charged for such transfer. In plain language, the question before the Court was whether the holders of water use entitlements may trade in such in entitlements.

Without dwelling on the more detailed aspects of the judgment, the following quoted passage from paragraph [35], sums up the finding by the Court:

“The reality is that a farm with water use rights is worth more than the same farm without water use rights. Because holders can trade in water use entitlements without selling the farms themselves, market forces dictate what the fees must be.”

In plain language, the question before the Court was whether the holders of water use entitlements may trade in such in entitlements.

Neutral Citation: Minister of Water and Sanitation and Others v Lotter N.O. and Others; Minister of Water and Sanitation and Others v Wiid and Others; Minister of Water and Sanitation v South African Association for Water Users Association [2023] ZACC 09

The possible implications of this Constitutional Court Judgment on land use management matters, must also be considered. If an owner is entitled (lawfully) to the use of a water source (by holding a valid water use license) and an agreement comes about to trade, as contemplated in the judgment, a number of practical considerations become relevant.

The manner in which to convey the volume of water forming the subject of such an agreement may typically require the registration of one or more servitudes, based on appropriately worded notarial deeds, registered in the Deeds Registry.

Given that all land in South Africa is now part of one of the many land use schemes which apply to different municipal areas, the registration of the required servitude(s) may require sanctioning in terms of the provisions of either the land use scheme or applicable municipal by-law. In certain municipalities, the relevant by-laws also regulate the registration of servitudes. The rationale for this is the fact that a servitude, in practical terms, affects the developable land area of the servient tenement. In consequence, such servitude may affect the provisions of the land use scheme (by example a minimum erf size stipulated in the scheme).


City of Johannesburg – Extension of maintenance exercise
Dated 22nd March 2023

System maintenance will improve customer satisfaction
Earlier this month, the City of Johannesburg announced a system maintenance exercise to improve the quality of services delivered to customers. The routine maintenance exercise, which began on Saturday,4 March, was initially scheduled to conclude on Tuesday, 21 March 2023, but it has been extended to Tuesday, 28 March 2023, due to further remedial actions that were identified.

As part of the ongoing maintenance exercise,hardware inconsistencies will be fixed,and some database discrepancies slowing down the system will be addressed to ensure its optimal functioning.

During the extended maintenance period, some services, such as applications for new service connections (water and electricity), applications for meter tests, applications for pensioner rebates, closing and opening of new accounts,applications of clearance figures,issuing clearance certificates to conveyancing attorneys, refunds processing,and the call centre cannot process service requests or view accounts and will remain unavailable.

Customers may experience temporary difficulties accessing their current invoices through the e-Joburg platform. However, some services are still available, including accessing historic customer statements and uploading meter readings through the e-Joburg platform, making payments on the system at walk-in centres, and EFT payments through third parties such as Easy Pay,Shoprite Checkers, etc.
Customers who do not receive their most recent invoices are encouraged to pay based on their previous month’s bills to avoid falling into arrears or an average where accounts disputes are logged. These payments will be reflected on customers’ statements when the system becomes available.

Although some services remain unavailable the City is continuously rendering other services without any interruptions, and this includes:
• Call Centre continues to service all priority requests and incidents for City Parks
• City Power and Joburg Water continues to render query and issue support though the Forcelink App.
• JRA find and fix app remains available
• Managed-Engine solution for logging incidents that relate to fibre and Wi-Fi failures remains available
• Construction permit system remains available to submit all development plans requests

The City understands the inconvenience that the maintenance exercise may cause and apologises for it. The City is committed to delivering excellent services to customers and will do everything possible to minimize the impact of the disruption. Customers can contact the City’s customer service centres for further information.
The database maintenance exercise is necessary for improved end-to-end business processing and customer satisfact ion.

Issued by the City of Johannesburg


Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office
Dated 15th March 2023

It seems the strike action is over and things will settle to normality.

Thanks Daan Steenkamp for the notice.


Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office
Dated 13th March 2023

Please be advised that the PMB Deeds Office was once again the target of attack by those embarking on industrial action this morning and has had to close as a result.

We are awaiting direction from the Registrar regarding its reopening.

We are aware that the Labour Appeal Court has granted an interdict today to abate industrial action by Nehawu, its members and employees, which is operative with immediate effect.

We are hopeful that this Order will be adhered to and we will keep you advised of developments.

Allen West

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 10th March 2023

Conveyancers Notice (Relocation Arrangements for Pretoria Deeds Office) 

1.     PURPOSE
To facilitate a smooth process of relocation of the Deeds office from Merino building to Berea Park,600 Lilian Ngoyi Street, Pretoria Central

The deeds office will relocate to the new building on the 06th to the 14th April 2023. This comes with many challenges such as: – safety of deeds and working instruments. This will result in the closure of the office so that the move can be smooth and to prepare for the opening of the new office. The office will close from the 6th to the 14th April 2023. Officials will return to work on the 11th April 2023, but the office will remain closed for the public.


Lodgement of deeds will cease on the 31st March 2023.It will resume on the 17 April 2023 3.2 DELIVERY Delivery section will be closed on the 3rd April 2023 and resume on the 17th April 2023.The last day for collection of deeds is the 4th April 2023. 

Preparation section will be closed on the 5th April 2023 and resume on the 17th April 2023. 

Numbering section will be closed on the 5th April 2023 and resume on the 17th April 2023 

Execution section will be closed on the 5th April 2023 and resume on the 17th April 2023.There will be double execution on the 3rd, 4th and the 5th of April 2023. 

e.     MICRO
Micro section’s last delivery will be on the 3rd April 2023 and the section will resume on the 17th April 2023. 

TR/Sectional Title section will be closed on the 4th April 2023 for clients and the section will resume on the 17th April 2023. 

The last day to assign deeds to examiners will be on the 4th April 2023. 

h.     M-FLOOR
Operations will cease on the 4th April 2023 for Conveyancers and Clarks. 

The Service of legal documents will cease on the 31.03.2023 

The 14th of April 2023 is set aside for the orientation of Conveyancers and Prep Clarks.

DATE: 08.03.2023


Notice: Upgrade of the SARS eFiling Backend System
Dated: 9th March 2023

Achieving our Vision 2024 of a smart, modern SARS with unquestionable integrity that is trusted and admired is of paramount importance. Pivotal to the delivery of our vision are our digital platforms and technology infrastructure.

In order to provide clarity and certainty, make it easy for taxpayers and traders to comply with their obligations, and build public trust and confidence, our technology assets have to demonstrate the highest levels of availability, robustness, and security.

Pursuant to our vision and strategic objectives, which include modernising our systems to provide digital and streamlined online services, we are hard at work ensuring that our digital platforms and technology infrastructure are available, robust, and secure by performing regular upgrades, enhancements, and maintenance.

In the light of the above, system upgrades are scheduled for Friday, 10 March from 18:00 until Saturday 11 March 01:30. During this time various services on eFiling may not be available.

The upgrade will provide an effective environment that allows for technical and operational efficiencies ensuring ongoing support for the eFiling System.

Contact Us
For all eFiling issues encountered after implementation, please contact our Contact Centre on 0800 00 7277 during these operating hours: weekdays: 08:00-16:30, Wednesdays only: 09:00-16:30. We are closed on weekends and public holidays.


Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office
Dated 8th March 2023


After assessing what transpired today and likely to happen in the coming days .

The Provincial Head of the Dalrrd security and myself we took the decision to close the office from 08/03/2023 – 10/03/2023 .

Safety of our building, staff and clients is of paramount importance .

We informed powers be of risks since monday the 6/03/2023 . No assistance came through .

Hoping you find this in order.

Registrar of Deeds, Pietermaritzburg


Deeds Office Tariff Changes effective 1st April 2023
Dated 1st March 2023

Please find attached the amended Regulations under Section 10 of the Act – published in the Government Gazette on 28 February 2023.

The Regulations come into operation within 1 month of publication thereof, namely 1 April 2023. View Tariff PDF below.

Kind regards,
Allen West

Kimberley, Pretoria and Vryburg Deeds Offices
Dated: 1st March 2023

Invitation to comment on the intention of the minister of the Department of Agriculture, land reform and rural development to establish deeds registry in Mahikeng in the North West Province and to redefine the area of jurisdiction of the deeds of registries in Kimberley, Pretoria and Vryburg.

The general public and all interested parties are hereby invited to comment on the intention of the Minister of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development to re-define the areas of jurisdiction of the deeds registries in the North West, Kimberley and Pretoria as detailed below:

In terms of section 1 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937), the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform may, from time to time, subject to the laws governing the public service, by notice in the Gazette —

•    Establish or disestablish deeds registries;

•    Establish or disestablish sub-deeds registries within the area of deeds   registries; and

•    Determine the names and situation of such offices, define the respective areas thereof, or amend any such determination or definition.

The purpose for the above is to ensure improved access to deeds registration services to all citizens of the province. The current service delivery model is of such a nature that clients must travel long distances to Vryburg in order to access deeds registration services. The alignment of the deeds registries in the North West, Kimberley and Pretoria, will ensure that the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development implements constitutional reforms in the current service delivery landscape.

Invitation to make written submissions / comments:

The public and all interested parties are hereby invited to make written submissions / comments in connection with the following proposals:

•    The identification, separation and transfer of records of land parcels falling within the area of jurisdiction of the Northern Cape Province, but dealt with in the Vryburg deeds registry, from the deeds registry in Vryburg to the deeds registry in Kimberley;

•    The identification, separation and transfer of records of land parcels falling within the area of jurisdiction of the North West Province, but dealt with in the Pretoria deeds registry, from the Pretoria deeds registry to the correct deeds registry in the North West;

•    The amendment of the area of jurisdiction of the Vryburg deeds registry, situated in Vryburg to only deal with transactions relating to land parcels that fall within the area of jurisdiction of the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati district municipality;

•    The establishment the North West deeds registry in Mahikeng to deal with transactions relating to land parcels that fall within the area of jurisdiction of the (Bojanala, Ngaka Modiri Molema and Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipalities).

Written submissions / comments shall be addressed to:

For attention of:

The Chief Registrar of Deeds
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
Private Bag X918
Pretoria 0001
E-mail to: or contact: Mr Calvin Ranwedi Neluvhola at 012 338 7124.

Written submissions / comments must reach the Chief Registrar of Deeds 30 within days of publication of this notice and submissions / comments received after the closing date may be disregarded.

Kindly also take note of the following:

1.  Further information about the proposed administrative actions will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10h00 and 13h00 only, from the date of publication of this Notice in the Government Gazette as well other print and electronic communication platforms, until the closing date for submissions / comments, with the exclusion of public holidays from the relevant officials listed below:

Pretoria Deeds Registry:

Ms Getrude Ngapo
corner Bosman and Pretorius Street,
Office 412, 4th floor, Merino Building,
office telephone: 27(0)12 338 7274/7034 /8305
cellular telephone: 0822290502;

Kimberley Deeds Registry:

Mr Jeffrey du Plooy, Deeds Office Kimberley,
New Public Building, c/o Knight & Stead Street,
Kimberley, 9th Floor, Room 9.24,
office telephone: 053- 8327228,
email address:

Vryburg Deeds Registry:

Mr Kebonethebe Mothibi, Assistant Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office
Vryburg, 2 De Kock St, Vryburg, 8601,
Cellular Number: 082 801 5403,
Office Telephone: 053 928 1500,
Email address:

2.   Written submissions / comments may be in any South African official language.

3.  In instances where submissions / comments are received after the closing date and rejected on the ground that it was received late, requests for condonation for late submission may be granted, which requests for condonation may be granted on good cause shown by the person who submitted the comments, provided that such condonation would not lead to unnecessary delays or otherwise prejudice the public interest. Grounds for condonation must be submitted in writing no later than five (5) working days after the closing date for submissions / comments.

4.  After all submissions received from interested and affected parties have been considered by an Internal Review Panel, the Minister’s decision regarding the re-alignment of the North West, Kimberley and Pretoria deeds registries will be published in the same Government Gazette as well print and electronic communication platforms.

5.  Interested and affected parties may, after a decision is made by the Minister, institute review proceedings against that decision, as contemplated by section 6(1) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000, within the stipulated time frame.

For the detailed notice visit:



King Williams Town and Mthatha Deeds Office
Dated: 1st March 2023

Invitation to comment on the intention of the minister for the Department of Agriculture, land reform and rural development to realign and amend the definition of the area of jurisdiction of the deeds registries in King Williams Town and Mthatha

The general public and all interested parties are hereby invited to comment on the intention of the Minister of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development to re-align and amend the area of jurisdiction of the deeds registries situated in King William’s Town and Mthatha, as detailed below.

In terms of section 1 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937), the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development may, from time to time, subject to the laws governing the public service, by notice in the Gazette—

•   Establish or disestablish deeds registries;

•   Establish or disestablish sub-deeds registries within the area of deeds   registries; and

•   Determine the names and situation of such offices, define the respective areas thereof, or amend any such determination or definition.

The purpose of re-alignment of the areas of jurisdiction of the deeds registries in the Eastern Cape Province is to ensure improved access to deeds registration services to all citizens of the province. The current service delivery model is of such a nature that clients have to travel long distances in order to access deeds registration services. Re-aligning the areas of jurisdiction of the King William’s Town and Mthatha deeds registries will ensure that the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development implements constitutional reforms in the current service delivery landscape.

Invitation to make written submissions / comments:

The public and all interested parties are hereby invited to make written submissions / comments in connection with the proposed amendments of the areas of jurisdiction of the King William’s Town and Mthatha deeds registries to:

•   Amend the definition of the area of jurisdiction of the deeds registry in King William’s Town to include Ezibeleni and Ilinge Townships of Queenstown, as from a date yet to be determined and published in the Government Gazette;

•   Amend the definition of the area of jurisdiction of the deeds registry in Mthatha, to include Lady Grey, Indwe, Barkley East, Elliot, Rhodes, Ugie and Maclear, as from a date yet to be determined and published in the Government Gazette; and

•   To keep the Aliwal North, Dordrecht and Jamestown areas which have one (1) kilometre difference between the two deeds registries, to be serviced by the Deeds

Registry King William’s Town.

Written submissions / comments shall be addressed to:

For attention of:

The Chief Registrar of Deeds
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Private Bag X918
Pretoria 0001
E-mail to: or contact Mr Calvin Ranwedi Neluvhola (012 338 7124)

Written submissions / comments must reach the Chief Registrar of Deeds within 30 days of publication of this notice and submissions / comments received after the closing date may be disregarded.

Kindly also take note of the following:

1.  Further information about the proposed amendment of the areas of jurisdiction of the King William’s Town and Mthatha deeds registries will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10h00 and 13h00 only, from the date of publication of this Notice in the Government Gazette as well print and electronic communication platforms, until the closing date for submissions / comments with the exclusion of public holidays from the officials listed below:

King William’s Town Deeds Registry:
Mr Thabo Phali, 113 Alexander Road, King William’s Town, Office No 7, ground floor, office telephone: 043 642 2741 / cellular telephone: 060 582 1973, Email address:

Mthatha Deeds Registry:
Mr Waterson Mketshane, corner Leeds and Durham Street, Office 13, Ground floor, Botha Sigcawu Building, office telephone: 047 5322 869 / cellular telephone: 071 600 0892, Email address:

2.  Written submissions / comments may be in any South African official language.

3.  In instances where submissions / comments are received after the closing date and rejected on the ground that it was received late, requests for condonation for late submission may be granted, which requests for condonation may be granted on good cause shown by the person who submitted the comments, provided that such condonation would not lead to unnecessary delays or otherwise prejudice the public interest. Grounds for condonation must be submitted in writing no later than five (5) working days after the closing date for submissions / comments.

4.  After all submissions received from interested and affected parties have been considered by an Internal Review Panel, the Minister’s decision regarding the re- alignment of the King William’s Town and Mthatha deeds registries will be published in the same Government Gazette as well as  print  and  electronic communication platforms.

5.  Interested and affected parties may, after a decision is made by the Minister, institute review proceedings against that decision, as contemplated by section 6(1) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000, within the stipulated time frame.

For the detailed notice visit:



Pretoria and Johannesburg Deeds Offices
Dated:1st March 2023

Invitation to comment on the intention of the minister of the Department of Agriculture, land reform and rural development to realign and amend the definition of the area of jurisdiction of the deeds registries in Johannesburg and Pretoria.

The general public and all interested parties are hereby invited to comment on the intention of the Minister of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development to re-align and amend the area of jurisdiction of the deeds registries situated in Johannesburg and Pretoria.

In terms of section 1 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937), the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development may, from time to time, subject to the laws governing the public service, by notice in the Gazette—

•    Establish or disestablish deeds registries;

•    Establish or disestablish sub-deeds registries within the area of deeds  registries; and

•    Determine the names and situation of such offices, define the respective areas thereof, or amend any such determination or definition.

The Minister intends the following:

•    To amend the definition of the area of jurisdiction of the deeds registry in Pretoria, to the boundaries of the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, as from a date yet to be determined and published in the Government Gazette;

•    To amend the definition of the area of jurisdiction of the deeds registry in Johannesburg, to the boundaries of the Province of Gauteng, excluding the area served by the deeds registry in Pretoria, as from a date yet to be determined and published in the Government Gazette;

•    The status quo in respect of the area of jurisdiction of the deeds registries for the registration of the opening of townships, as contemplated in section 46A of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, and the registration of farm and agricultural land, will remain until legislation has been amended to allow for registration to take place in accordance to the definition of the areas of the deeds registries in Pretoria and Johannesburg, as to be amended.

•    The status quo in respect of the areas in the Province of the North West which are served by the deeds registry at Pretoria remains as is until otherwise determined by the Minister by Notice in the Government Gazette.

The purpose of the re-alignment of the areas of jurisdiction of the deeds registries in the Gauteng Province is to ensure improved access to deeds registration services to all citizens of the province. The current service delivery model is of such a nature that clients have to travel long distances in order to access deeds registration services. Re-aligning the areas of jurisdiction of the Pretoria and Johannesburg deeds registries will ensure that the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development implements constitutional reforms in the current service delivery landscape.

The public and all interested parties are hereby invited to make written submissions / comments in connection with the proposed amendments of the areas of jurisdiction of the Pretoria and Johannesburg deeds registries:

For the attention of:

The Chief Registrar of Deeds

Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Private Bag X918

Pretoria 0001

E-mail to: or contact: Mr Calvin Ranwedi Neluvhola (012 338 7124)

Written submissions / comments must reach the Chief Registrar of Deeds within 30 days of publication of this notice and submissions / comments received after the closing date may be disregarded.

Kindly also take note of the following:

1.  Further information about the proposed amendment of the areas of jurisdiction of the Pretoria and Johannesburg deeds registries will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10h00 and 13h00 only, from the date of publication of this Notice in the Government Gazette, until the closing date for submissions / comments with the exclusion of public holidays from the relevant officials listed below:

Johannesburg Deeds Registry:

Ms Paulina Zwartland,
corner Von Wielligh and Jeppe Street, Office No: 2504,
25th floor, Marble Towers Building,
office telephone: 011 843 8300/8311
cellular telephone: 083 290 8065;

Pretoria Deeds Registry:

Ms Getrude Ngapo,
corner Bosman and Pretorius Street, Office 412,
4th floor, Merino Building,
office telephone: 012 338 7274/7034 /8305
cellular telephone: 082 229 0502,

2.  Written submissions / comments may be in any South African official language.

3.  In instances where submissions / comments are received after the closing date and rejected on the ground that it was received late, requests for condonation for late submission may be granted, which requests for condonation may be granted on good cause shown by the person who submitted the comments, provided that such condonation would not lead to unnecessary delays or otherwise prejudice the public interest. Grounds for condonation must be submitted in writing no later than five (5) working days after the closing date for submissions / comments.

4.  After all submissions received from interested and affected parties have been considered by an Internal Review Panel, the Minister’s decision regarding the re-alignment of the Johannesburg and Pretoria deeds registries will be published in the Government Gazette as well print and online communication platforms.

5.  Interested and affected parties may, after a decision is made by the Minister, institute review proceedings against that decision, as contemplated by section 6(1) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000, within the stipulated time frame.

For the detailed notice visit:



Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 2nd March 2023

Relocation of Pretoria Deeds Registry

Kindly be advised :

Last day for lodgments will be 31 March.

The office will  reopen 17 April

We will keep you updated of any further notices in this regard

Contributed by Allen West

Surveyor-General Office – Gauteng
Dated: 2nd March 2023

Dear SG client

The date on which the SG Gauteng Office staff is expected to move is set for *17-18 April 2023* . We will be the last office to move.

The office will definitely be closed for the two days in question, but it is safe to assume that the functioning will be severely hampered during the whole of that week.

The move will happen in phases. Currently, moving boxes have been delivered and packing of documents (that do not necessarily affect office’s functions) has already commenced. The documents will remain on site whilst the bulk filers and suspendex cabinets are dismantled and moved to the new building. Once re-assembled on the other side, the documents will be moved and unpacked allowing for the next set of documents to be packed. As mentioned, we will start with the least utilised documents and leave the most utilised documents for last to ensure the minimal impact on accessibility.

Other Branches/Offices such as the Chief Surveyor-General and Deeds have been allocated different dates on which they will move, that is, 22 March 2023 and 06-11 April 2023, respectively. This will likely affect the SG Gauteng Office given that we share the same building, server room and other systems.

Where possible, the SG Gauteng Office will try to minimise the impact this move will have, but please anticipate delays and disruptions in service delivery in the next coming months (March and April) when the move will be in full force. The challenges you may experience during this period include not being able to access the building for walk-in services, no/limited access to documents and the CSG Database.

The office understands the impact and frustrations this relocation process will cause; and therefore, humbly ask for your patience.

More details will be communicated when they become available.

Here is a link which shows the position of the new building relative to the current address:,+Pretoria+Central,+Pretoria,+0002/Lilian+Ngoyi+Street,+Berea+Park,+Pretoria,+0002/@-25.7531579,28.1793709,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x1e956212598c939f:0xe9350283302efb4b!2m2!1d28.1857651!2d-25.7480992!1m5!1m1!1s0x1e95600aab2c0cab:0x5fc8c8a39b223725!2m2!1d28.1939541!2d-25.7591532

Contributed by:
Allen West

Mpumalanga Deeds Office
Dated: 23rd February 2023


SUBJECT: Withdrawal of Notice to Conveyancers and Examiners 01/2022 regarding Emalahleni Local Municipal by-law. 

1. Purpose 

To provide clarity to Conveyancers and Examiners regarding the withdrawal of Notice to Appeal for Emalahleni Local Municipality, which has now been retracted by the municipality. 

2. Background 

On 08 July 2022 Emalahleni Local Municipality has applied to the Constitutional Court (CCT191/22) for the leave to appeal the judgement and order by the Supreme Court of Appeal in the matter between: Govan Mbeki Local Municipality & 1 Other v Glencore Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd & 4 others – Case No. 334/2021 & case No. 338/2021 which was handed down on the 17th of June 2022. 

On the 17th of January 2023, a letter from Emalahleni Local Municipality was served on the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga in which they informed the Registrar of their intention to withdraw their appeal and abide by the SCA judgement and amend their SPLUMA by-law in line with the guidelines set out in the judgement. The municipality also requested the Registrar of Deeds to issue a notice to examiners and conveyancers to give effect to the Notice of Withdrawal. On the 22 February 2023 the office of the Registrar of Deeds issued a notice to that effect. 

On the 23rd of February 2023, the office of the Registrar was instructed by the legal representative of Emalahleni Local Municipality to disregard the letter received on the 17th of January 2023. The Registrar was further instructed to continue calling for section 86 compliance certificates in terms of the Emalahleni Local Municipal by-law. 

3. Motivation 

After receiving instruction from Emalahleni Local Municipality to disregard the formal letter sent to this office, the Registrar has no other option than to withdraw the notice as indicated above. See attached letter (Annexure A), the effect of this is that the leave to appeal the judgement by the Supreme Court of Appeal is still in place, and section 86 compliance certificates must still be called for. 

4. Conclusion 

Examiners and Conveyancers are therefore informed that the lodging of section 86 compliance certificates for the Emalahleni Local Municipality on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, 2016 is still required until further notice. 

The Registrar of Deeds’ notice to conveyancer and examiner number 01/2022 is hereby withdrawn.

5. Date of implementation 

This notice is with effect from 23rd February 2023. 


DATE: 23 February 2023


Mpumalanga Deeds Office
Dated: 22nd February 2023


SUBJECT: Notice of Withdrawal by the Emalahleni Local Municipality of their Application to Appeal Judgment of Supreme Court of Appeal regarding lodgement of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management (SPLUMA) By-law Certificates for Registration of Deeds. 

1. Purpose 

To provide clarity to Conveyancers and Examiners regarding the effect of the withdrawal of Notice to Appeal for Emalahleni Local Municipality. 

2. Background 

On 08 July 2022 Emalahleni Local Municipality has applied to the Constitutional Court (CCT191/22) for the leave to appeal the judgement and order by the Supreme Court of Appeal in the matter between: Govan Mbeki Local Municipality & 1 Other v Glencore Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd & 4 others – Case No. 334/2021 & case No. 338/2021 which was handed down on the 17th of June 2022. 

On the 17th of January 2023, a letter from Emalahleni Local Municipality was served on the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga in which they informed the Registrar of their intention to withdraw their appeal and abide by the SCA judgement and amend their SPLUMA by-law in line with the guidelines set out in the judgement. The municipality also requested the Registrar of Deeds to issue a notice to examiners and conveyancers to give effect to the Notice of Withdrawal. 

3. Motivation 

As per legal principal, the office of the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga must give effect to the SCA judgement. After careful consideration, examiners and conveyancers are hereby informed not to call for the lodgement of by-law certificate for Emalahleni Local Municipality in terms of section 86 of their SPLUMA by-law. 

4. Conclusion 

Examiners and Conveyancers are therefore informed that the lodging of section 86 compliance certificates for the Emalahleni Local Municipality on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, 2016 is no longer required until further notice. 

5. Date of implementation 

This notice is with effect from 22th February 2023. 


DATE: 22 February 2023 


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 12th December 2022 – 13:30

Lights back on at Pretoria Deeds Office.

All lodgments of today will only occur tomorrow

Thanks Allen for the update.


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 12th December 2022 – 10:30am

Kindly note that the Deeds Office Pretoria is without electricity due to a Technical problem.
The office will close early should the problem not be fixed.

Kind regards,
Allen West


Registrar of Deeds
Dated 8th December 2022

The Registrar of Deeds has informed us that the notice regarding closing of the office tomorrow at 11h00 for its year end function will not affect the registrations and lodgement of Deeds.

Anton Theron

For Property Committee of the Gauteng Attorneys Association


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 7th December 2022


Please take note that due to the digitisation contract that expired we might not be able to provide copies of documents registered between 1983-2007.

Please bear with us, we are attending to the matter. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this.

By Management


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 29th November 2022


Please take note of the following arrangements over the festive period (December 2022): 

➢ The cut-off date for Lodgement of Deeds and Documents to be registered on or by 15th December 2022 will be 07th December 2022. 

➢ For service delivery purposes, the Deeds Office: Johannesburg will be open and fully operational during the festive period with limited staff except for the 23rd and 30st December 2022 respectively the office will be closed for clients/ public on both days. Deeds and Documents on Preparation/ Prep and not registered by 31st December 2022 will be allowed extension until 10th January 2023 after which they will be rejected and delivered to the clients. 


DATE: 29/11/2022 


Bloemfontein Deeds Office
Dated 1st December 2022 – 7:50am

Good Day

Please take note that there will be no execution between 27 December – 30 December 2022.

Automatic rejection will be suspended from 27 December 2022 – 10 January 2023. However, rates clearance certificates that will lapse during that period, will be rejected.

Please convey the message to anyone you know who is not on this mailing list.

E-mail on behalf of the Registrar, Mr. Mngcolwani.

Kind Regards
Monica Dowd (Mrs)
Office Assistant: Registrar of Deeds Bloemfontein

Tel: 051 403 0342
Fax: 086 656 7146


DEPARTMENTAL CIRCULAR NO 121 of 2022 – Dated 21st November 2022



1. Approval is hereby granted for the following arrangements pertaining to official working hours over the festive period.

Friday 23rd December 2022
Closed after 10:00

Monday 26th December 2022

Tuesday 27th December 2022 until Monday 2nd January 2023

3rd January 2023

2. The above arrangement indicates that the Department will be closed to its clients from 23 December 2022 @ 10h00 to 30 December 2022. All staff will be permitted to leave their Offices at 10h00 on 23 December 2022.


3. Employees would be expected to take leave from 27 to 30 December 2022 (4 working days annual leave). Employees who exhausted their normal! Annual vacation leave credits or who are unable to take leave for personal reasons should report for duty on the above mentioned dates and will be expected to perform their duties as normal. However, managers should try to limit these, unless there is a compelling case, all employees should take leave.

4. All supervisors must ensure that employees under their supervision are informed of this arrangements timeously to enable them to make necessary provision therefore. They must also submit an application for leave of absence form, for annual leave, for the period 27 to 30 December 2022 (4 working days). The completed and signed leave forms must be forwarded to the respective Human Resources Components for record and audit purposes.

5. Employee who will be required to perform Standby duties/ essential services during the period 27 to 30 December 2022 will be informed accordingly on an individual basis by their respective supervisors.

6. Senior Managers must notify their clients of the closure of their offices in time. Clear notices to prevent inconvenience to our clients, must be displayed in all Offices of the Department and on the departmental website.

7. It will be appreciated if the contents of this circular could be brought to the attention of all employees in your components.

8. Wishing you and your family a joyous period and prosperous new year.


DATE: 21st November 2022


Pretoria Deeds Office – Dated 21st November 2022

Notice to Conveyancers and clients
December Arrangements

Please take note that the office will have double execution on the 15 December 2022 due to the public holiday on 16 December 2022 and on the 22 December 2022 because there will be no execution on 23 December 2022. Execution will be extended till 12:00 and start earlier than usual at 9:00 on these dates.

NB Please take note that the office will try and assist to register your deeds before 23 of December 2022, conveyancers must lodge their deeds early in December and not wait until the last week before the office closes between 23 December 2022.Deeds lodged between 19 and 22 December 2022 might only register when the office reopens during January 2023.

No lodgements and registrations will be accepted on the 23rd December 2022.The office will be closed at 10h00 on the 23rd   December 2022

The office will be closed for business on the following days during December 2022 and reopen on 03 January 2023:

Closes at 10:00

27th December 2022 to 2nd January 2023.

3rd January 2022

NB: System Change Request Will Allow Deeds to Be on Prep Between The 23 December 2022 until 10 January 2023, Automatic Rejections will be suspended during this period.

Registrar of Deeds
Dated 21/11/2022


CHIEF REGISTRAR’S CIRCULAR NO. 3 OF 2022 Dated 21st November 2022


The following Chief Registrar’s Circular is hereby withdrawn: 

CRC 7 / 1969: Section 12 of Act 40 of 1949, as amended by section 8 of Act 103 of 1969 

Motivation: This practice has been superceded by the practice laid down in RC14/2000; CRC 6/2005; RCR43/2006 and RCR15/2021. 

DATE: 21 November 2022




CHIEF REGISTRAR’S CIRCULAR NO 2 OF 2022 Dated 21st November 2022



The purpose of this circular is to eliminate the hardship caused by the provisions of regulations 68(1E) and 68(11B) of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, (DRA), in instances where properties are situated in areas where there are no newspapers in circulation. 


Regulation 68(1E)(a) of the DRA requires that before a Registrar may issue a certified copy of any deed contemplated by regulation 68(1), the applicant must publish a notification of intention to apply for such certified copy in an issue of a newspaper circulating in the area in which the land is situated. The same legislative requirement applies regarding regulation 68(11B)(a).The word “area” is not defined in the DRA and it makes it sometimes impossible, especially in rural and remote areas, to prove the circulation area of newspapers. 

The Deeds Registries Regulation Board acknowledged that the current wording of the said regulations cause hardship in many instances to clients, and at its meeting held on 25 August 2022 amended regulations 68(1E)(a) and 68(11B)(b) to read as follows: 

‘68.(1E)(a) Before the issuing of a certified copy of any deed conferring title to land or any interest therein or any real right, or any registered lease or sub-lease or registered cession thereof or any mortgage or notarial bond under this regulation, the applicant shall publish, substantially in the prescribed form, a notification of intention to apply for such certified copy in an issue of a newspaper circulating in the [area] administrative district in which the land is situated and in the case of a notarial bond in an issue of one or more newspapers circulating in the area of every deeds registry in which such notarial bond is registered.’ 

68.(11B)(a) The registered holder of a mortgage or notarial bond, or his or her duly authorised agent, who desires to procure cancellation of such bond which has been lost, destroyed, or became incomplete or unserviceable and of which the registry duplicates have also been lost, destroyed, or became incomplete or unserviceable, must at own expense publish (in the prescribed form) notice of intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of such bond, in an issue of a newspaper circulating in the [area] administrative district in which the mortgaged land is situated, and in the case of a notarial bond in an issue of one or more newspapers circulating in the area of every deeds registry in which such notarial bond is registered.’ 

The above regulations are amended by substituting the word “area” for the words “administrative district”. 

The amended regulations have been submitted to the Minister for approval where after it will be published in the Government Gazette, as required by section 9(9) of the DRA. 


To facilitate the circumstances where it is impossible to comply with the current provisions of the said regulations, I have decided, with the unanimous support of the members of the said Regulation Board, to implement the provisions of the amended regulations as from date hereof, with the effect that proof of publication in a newspaper circulating in the administrative district in which the land is situated, will suffice. 

DATE: 21st November 2022




Polokwane Deeds Office
8th November 2022


Please note that the office of the Registrar of Deeds: Limpopo at Polokwane has made the following arrangements regarding Lodgement and Execution of deeds over the festive period: 

·      Limpopo Deeds Office will be closed for 4 days on 27″ December- 30 December 2022 unless if the Departmental Circular will provides otherwise. 

·      Deeds lodged before Tuesday the 13″ December 2022 will be executed before Christmas 

·      Deeds lodged from the Wednesday of the 14 December 2022 will be registered only in 2023. 

·      There will be a double execution on Tuesday of the 20 Dec 2022, meaning that all Deeds that are at Prep/fees on the 15″ and 19″ of December 2022. 

NB: Double Execution does not include deeds that are still in examination process, such will not form part of the double execution. 

·      All Deeds that would have been scanned to level 3 Examination on the 20 December 2022 | or were lodge on/before the 13° December 2022 but didn’t form part of double execution can still be registered between 21-22 December 2022 

·      On the 23 December 2022, the office will close at 10h00 and there will be no execution. 


8th November 2022


King Williams Town Deeds Office
2nd November 2022

Registrar’s Circular No. 3 of 2022 Regulation 68 (1e) Procedure 

1. Introduction 

Regulation 68 (1E) (a) provides that certified copies of deeds referred to in sub-regulation (1) may not be issued unless the applicant has published, substantially in the prescribed form.

1.1. A notice of intention to apply for such certified copies in a recognised newspaper circulating in the area in which the land is situated, 

1.2. And in the case of a notarial bond, in a recognised newspaper in the area of where the debtor resides and, in the area, where the debtor carries on business. 

1.3. The notice of intention must lay open for inspection in the Deeds Registry to allow interested persons/parties to file objections. If no objections are received by the Registrar of Deeds, within 2 weeks from the date of publication, then such copy of deed/s may be issued by the Registrar of Deeds. 

2. New Deeds Office Procedure 

The following procedure must be followed: 

2.1. The conveyancer must complete and submit the application /request for a copy (VA copy) together with a copy of the signed Regulation 68(1) application at the Information Section. Please note that the application for a lost copy (VA copy) must be made prior to the advertisement/publication in the newspaper. 

2.2. Once the copy is received, the conveyancer must complete Form JJJ (see Government Gazette no 42813 dated 1 November 2019) in respect of all deeds, excluding mortgage bonds and Form KKK in respect of bonds. The Form JJJ or KKK will be signed by the applicant i.e. the registered owner or his duly authorised agent. 

2.3. The conveyancer will proceed to publish the signed Form JJJ notice in respect of all deeds and Form KKK notice in respect of bonds in the newspaper where the property is situated subject to clause 2.4 below.

2.4. The conveyancer shall, prior to publication in the newspaper, submit to the Registrar of Deeds, at office number 3 on the ground floor, the following documents: 

A copy of the form JJJ notice in respect of all deeds excluding mortgage bonds and form KKK in respect of bonds (whichever is applicable) together with a copy of the deed. 

The copy of the deed and the signed form JJJ or KKK will lie for inspection for a period of two weeks from date of submission and date of publication to the Deed.

Should the Registrar Deeds receive an objection, a caveat will be noted against the property. The conveyancer will be notified accordingly. 

These notices and copies of title / bonds MUST be submitted to the Assistant Registrar of Deeds Information Section: Miss R Majela. 

2.5. Once the two weeks, from the date submission has lapsed, the conveyancer will lodge the original Reg 68 (1) application signed by the registered owner or its duly authorised agent the original publication/advertisement as it appears in the relevant newspaper. The examiner shall cut and paste the advertisement on A4 page clearly showing the date of publication and the name of the newspaper, accompanied by a certificate by the conveyancer. 

The certificate to read as follows: 

I ………., Conveyancer do hereby verify and confirm that the above advertisement is the original advertisement published in the……….. newspaper on ……………… and further confirm that the two (2) weeks from date of publication of the notice has lapsed. 

Signed by 



3. This circular is effective from 14th November 2022. 

Date: 31 October 2022 



King Williams Town Deeds Office
31st October 2022

Special Arrangements for the Festive Season

  1. It is common practice for the Deeds Office: King Williams Town to close at 10h00 on 23 December 2022 and re-open on 03 January 2023,
  2. The last day for lodgements will be 12 December 2022 and no lodgements will be accepted after 12 December 2022. Lodgements will again commence on 03 January 2023.
  3. The last day for registrations will be 22 December 2022 and all deeds for registration on 22 December 2022 must be handed in on 21 December 2022.
  4. Registration/execution of deeds will take place from 09h00-13h00 on 22 December 2022. Requests for late registration will be considered up until 12h00.
  5. Also note that the last day for submission of all applications in respect of Cape Town requests is 08 December 2022. Any requests thereafter will not be processed until 03 January 2023.
  6. All outstanding Deeds Office accounts must be settled by 23 December 2022, and proof of payment must be sent to and
  7. The above-mentioned arrangements are subject to change upon receipt of a formal communication/instruction from the Office of the Director-General. Your co-operation will be appreciated.

DATE: 28 OCT 2022


Dated 24th October 2022 14:30

In the Government Gazette published on 14 October 2022, the Minister of Finance increased the threshold for cash receipt reporting
from R24 999 to R49 999, with effect from 14 November 2022.

In addition:

  1. The period in which such cash receipts must be reported to the FIC, has been extended and the report
    must reach the FIC within 3 business days (no longer 2).
  2. The aggregation requirement is abolished. In other words, the requirement to report a cash receipt if the
    threshold represents the sum of separate payments together making up R25000, is no longer required.

Allen West


Mpumalanga Deeds Office
7th October 2022


SUBJECT: Amendment of Examiners and Conveyancer Notice, dated, 12 July 2022: RE: Notice of Application to Appeal Judgment of Supreme Court of Appeal regarding lodgement of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management (SPLUMA) By-Law Certificates for Registration of Deeds. 


To provide clarity and amend Conveyancer and Examiner’s Notice dated 12 July 2022. 


On 08 July 2022 Emalahleni Local Municipality has applied to the Constitutional Court (CCT191/22) for the leave to appeal the judgment and order by the Supreme Court of Appeal in the matter between: Govan Mbeki Local Municipality & 1 Other v Glencore Operations South Africa (Pty)Ltd & 4 others- Case No.334/2021 & Case No.338/2021 which was handed down on the 17th of June 2022. 

The office of the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga issued a notice dated, 12 July 2022 to the effect that the office will continue to implement the sections of the Municipal By-laws on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management of all municipalities. This was further supplemented by the letter dated 22 July 2022, addressed to Steve Tshwete Local Municipality and Middleburg Legal Practice Association to confirm the above notice. 


As per legal principle, the Office of the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga was made to believe that the effect of the appeal was that the whole judgement and the order is suspended until the appeal is finalised. 

The Office of Registrar of Deeds, after various engagements with legal fraternity, sought legal opinion from Office of Chief Registrar of Deeds: Litigation and Compliance Monitoring.

According to the legal opinion that we received, read together with section 18 of Supreme Court Act 10 of 2013, the effect of the appeal is that the judgement and the order in the above-mentioned case was suspended as far as it relates to Govan Mbeki Local Municipality and Emalahleni Local Municipality, since the Registrar of Deeds and Steve Tshwete Local Municipality did not appeal the Judgement and order of the initial court. 

Based on the above, the Office of the Registrar of Deeds was made aware and believe that the above-mentioned appeal does not suspend the ruling of the High Court in the Glencoe case as it relates to Steve Tshwete Local Municipality. 

Therefore, the Office of the Registrar of Deeds has resolved to align itself with the legal opinion and will refrain from insisting to call for section 82 compliance certificate in terms of the Steve Tshwete By-law on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, 2016. 


Examiners and conveyancers are therefore informed that the lodging of section 82 compliance certificate of the Steve Tshwete By-law on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, 2016 is no longer required until further notice. 

Therefore, Deeds Registry Mpumalanga “Notice to the Examiners and conveyancer dated 12 July 2022” is hereby amended to the effect that the office will call for the lodging of by-law certificate of other municipalities, except for compliance certificate in terms of section 82 of the Steve Tshwete By-law on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management. 


This notice is with effect from 10 October 2022. 



Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 5th August 2022

Systems restored in PTA deeds office.
Services will hopefully return to normal

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 4th August 2022

There will be very limited services in the Deeds Office in Pretoria for the next few days.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 2nd August 2022

I would like to inform you that due to electricity cut at our sister building where our servers are housed, we will hv limited services tomorrow however office remains open. I apologize for inconvenience.

Only registrations will be done.

Pretoria Deeds Registrar


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 12th July 2022


    The purpose of this Notice is to provide a broader picture in determination of transfer duty payable and the determining values applicable in respect of the acquisition of property, especially in instances where the full consideration on the transfer duty receipt is more than the purchase price declared in the Power of Attorney. (For example: with forced sales or sale as a result of an auction)
    Uncertainty prevail as to the indication of amounts paid on Transfer Duty, with regard to the calculation of both purchase price and additional costs and how it should reflect in the Deed of Transfer, Power of Attorney and Transfer Duty Receipt.

    In the ordinary case of sale and purchase of fixed property the price paid is deemed to be the value of the property for transfer duty purposes. Transfer duty is always payable on the higher amount, be it the value or the purchase price.

    The price paid at a sale by public auction, however, includes the amount paid and also the amount of any additional consideration where the purchaser agrees to pay certain other expenses of the seller as part of the conditions of sale. Examples include payments for arrear rates and municipal service charges, bond payments, collection and legal charges etc. The Transfer Duty Act also specify further payments that must be added to the consideration payable (Section 6(1)), for example commission.

    The purpose of this provision is to add to the value for transfer duty purposes any other payment by the purchaser which will be for the benefit of the seller. In other words, the consideration is split into various components, but the total consideration will be subject to transfer duty.

According to CRC 7/ 1969, deeds registries will only be responsible to see that the details of the transferor, the transferee and the description of the property on a transfer duty receipt are correct in order to identify the relevant transaction.
It is not the duty of the registrar of deeds to verify amounts paid. (RCR 32/1970).
It is the responsibility of the conveyancer to ensure the purchase price in the PA tally with the purchase price in the Offer to Purchase; and that the correct amount on transfer duties is paid.

    Examiners must as from the date of implementation of this circular, examine deeds keeping the following in mind:
    In the Deed of Transfer: The Consideration Clause must set out all the amounts that made up the full consideration amount paid in the Transfer duty receipt (CRC 7/2010 and CRC 2/2016)
    For example: “. finally acknowledging the full consideration to be calculated on the Purchase Price of R…………. and additional consideration (arrear rates, commissions) of R……………. to the total amount of R. ”

    In the Power of Attorney:
    The Purchase Price as set out in the Deed of Transfer.
    Further payments that must be added to the consideration payable (as set out in the deed of transfer) is often not yet available at the time of signing of Power of Attorney by the seller on auction.
    In the Transfer Duty receipt:
    The full consideration amount as set out in the Deed of Transfer (The various components need not be specified)

Registrar of Deeds – Pretoria
Dated: 12th July 2022


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 28th June 2022 – 11:20

Dear All

Latest News from Registrar of Deeds :

Electricity is back, office will be operating full capacity tomorrow.

We will be lodging and registering tomorrow.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 28th June 2022 – 7:00

The Deeds Office Pretoria and other buildings remain closed today. No further updates available yet. City Council last indicated the problem may be resolved by Thursday. The Registrar of Deeds Pretoria issued a statement yesterday to confirm that Conveyancers will be informed as soon as there are any further developments. She is in constant contact with the Local Authority and other departments. The Pretoria Attorneys Association will also advise its members as soon as the situation changes.

There are several buildings affected by the flooding of the substation housed in the basement of the Gauteng Provincial Government Building. According to a communiqué of the Divisional Head; Strategic Communication in Tshwane, the remedial work will, at best, only be completed by Thursday.


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 27th June 2022 – 7:00

As you by now know , the deeds office in Pretoria is closed until further notice

I will keep you updated on any news regarding the re- opening

In the interim kindly obtain extended Rates Clearance Certificates an HOA consents—as there will be a back log when the office re- opens

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 23rd June 2022 – Evening

The deeds office Pretoria will remain closed as no feedback was obtained at close of business today. (The office has no electricity.)
I apologize for inconvenience.
Audrey Gwangwa

Contributed by: Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 8th June 2022

Notice to Examiners

In terms of regulation 68(1e) (a), publication in the prescribed form (jjj) is a prerequisite for the issue of a certified copy (va) of a lost or destroyed deed.

This publication should always refer to the correct facts related to the application.

The correct names, property description, title numbers should appear in the publication, despite where, in some instances, the particulars might be indicated incorrectly in the title; and despite a then subsequent 4(1)(b) DRA application, rectifying an error in the name or description of a person or property, being lodged in the same batch.

The publication in the newspaper or gazette in such instances should always follow the correct facts, and not the (incorrect) title.

Examiners are urged to ensure compliance with this notice.

Date: 07/06/2022


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 8th June 2022

Please note on the following practice to be followed in the Deeds Office, Pretoria :

When advertising for a certified copy of a deed, in terms of regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 193, the correct names must be disclosed in the advertisement to be published in the newspaper, irrespective of whether a section 4(1)(b) amendment is to be registered simultaneously  with the necessary application for the certified copy.

The previous practice was to follow the title deed , prior to the amendment thereof.

Kindly inform all and sundry to prevent rejections and costs

Kind Regards

Allen West


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 31st May 2022

Registrar’s Notice No. 5/2022: To Deeds Office Clients

Re: Access Control and Pre-Linking Arrangements

1. Purpose

1.1 To notify all clients of the way-forward pertaining to access and pre-linking of deeds and documents from 01 June 2022.

1.2 This notice should be read with all previously issued Registrars Notice     12/2021.

2. Access control.

2.1 The arrangement pertaining to access remains unchanged as follows:

All stakeholders (Attorneys, Notaries and Prep Clerks) will continue be allowed in the Deeds Office building under the following strict protocol and condition:

Only one (1) Prep Clerk per conveyancer will be allowed in the Prep-Room in order to adhere to acceptable social distance.

Messengers   will   be   allowed   to   hand   in   documents   to   their  respective correspondence on 26th floor and to the deeds office on 22nd  Floor Registry Section.

2.2 Conveyancers must notify the office by sending any change and new arrangements for their nominated Prep Clerks to the email address indicated on clause 7 in a formal letter containing names of all outgoing and new Prep Clerks working for their firms and a plan on how they will be rotated them to allow everyone an opportunity to work during this alert level.

2.3 Security will strictly monitor the number of clients entering the building to ensure that the area is not over crowded.

3. Pre-linking, consultations and removal of notes

3.1 Pre-linking     for lodgement will temporarily be conducted internally on 26th Floor pigeonholes/ boxes in front of Lodgement Section      (subject to strict adherence to social distance) while the office is busy finalizing the long term plan of erecting pigeonholes/boxes in the Prep-Room.

3.2 The current arrangement regarding removal of notes, consultation on appointment Scan Back’s, expeditions and ADHOC will remain in place.

4.    Emails to be used for serving of documents and setting appointments:

For appointment with  Examiners and   Assistant  Registrars:  please follow the list placed in the execution room.

Changes of Prep clerk who can access the Deeds Office and appointment with Senior Managers (Deputy Registrar of Deeds and Registrar): or

Arrangement of Deeds Office process tours:

Serving of documents (JJJ, KKK, notices of motion etc) electronically:

This notice will be effective from Thursday, 1st June 2022.

DATE: 31 May 2022


Deeds Office Registrar
Dated 18th May 2022

When the new Companies Act 71 of 2008 became operative in 2013, the Chief Registrar issued circular 28 of 2013 to deal with various practical aspects when there are transactions relating to companies lodged for registration.

That circular has now been repealed and replaced with circular 1 of 2022.

The circulars and content are essentially similar, except for provisions regarding the amalgamation or merger of companies – see clause 4.7 in this regard.

Kind Regards

Allen West


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 1st April 2022


INTERDICT 1-1158/2022C
INTERDICT 1-1158/2022C has been noted against properties registered in the name of City of Ekurhuleni and it’s predecessors
in title. The interdict was noted at the request of CITY Ekurhuleni to stop unlaw transfers of properties registered in the name of the
City Council.
Due to an error in data capturing the interdict also appears against properties registered in the name of private owners. Data is in the
process of rectifying the error.
Examiners please do not raise notes with respect to interdict I1158/2022C where the owner is a private owner. The interdict must
be purged from the private registered owner’s property.

Registrar of Deeds Johannesburg


Deeds Office Registrar
Dated 30th March 2022




To regulate the procedures for the rectification of errors in various section and during the examination of lodged deeds. 


Rectification on delivered deeds, rectification of errors encountered after registration and during examination as well as rectification on the data records are four distinct processes and must be dealt with to enhance service delivery and to prevent fraudulent and unauthorised activities on original title deeds and data records. 


3.1 Data errors 

Errors encountered on data records (print outs) will be dealt with at the information section. Rectifications of this type must not be presented to Data section directly. Firms must submit 3 Memos/letterhead, setting out the contents of the data error as well as the request of what needs to be rectified. 

– One for acknowledgement of receipt which will be filled by the information section. 

– A second one to be sent to Data section to attend to the error. 

– A third one to return to the firm after rectification in compliance of the error The last mentioned memo will be returned to the firm together with the proof of amendment or the rejection of the request with reason for not amending the error, in the pigeon hole of the relevant firm. The turnaround time will be +- 3-4 days depending on the type of error as well as staff resources available. Any problems or complaints should be directed to the manager of the section.

3.2 Errors on winded/ghost convey/and other search engines from data vendors 

These websites and Data vendors are not the responsibility of the Registrar of deeds and may not be considered as proof of facts or records in the Registrars possession. The Registrar of Deeds cannot be responsible as to the correctness and completeness of such information. The Deeds office is not in the position or authorised to correct errors on these search engines. 

3.3. Rectification on delivered deeds (after delivery errors) All and only original deeds on which rectifications are required may be handed to the nominated official or their manager in their absence in the deeds office for correction of errors. Each request must be embodied on a letterhead of the firm, along with the firm number and details. The letter must be lodged in triplicate if a signed copy for acknowledgement of receipt is required. Corrections on deeds can only be done once verification on deeds view and DRS systems have been done. Upon collection of the rectified error a control sheet must be signed as proof by the relevant firm. The turnaround times for this type of rectification is +- 3-4 days depending on the type of error. Problems encountered should be taken up with the manager of the section. 

NB: Please take note that matters on rejected deeds by examiners and deeds lodged in the system are not catered for in this paragraph, see 3.4 below. The Assistant Registrar/manager when dealing with these types of rectifications must take cognisance of the SOP (standard operating procedure) 3/2017. Any error or omission on registered deeds which require an act of registration in terms of the Deeds Registries Act and Sectional Titles Act are excluded from being able to be ratified. 

3.4. Errors on lodged or rejected deeds. Errors on deeds encountered during examination is the duty of the relevant junior, senior examiner and his /her Assistant Registrar to investigate, verify and apply corrections of the error on all deeds received during the examination process. Non- compliance in this regard must be reported to the senior examiner or the Assistant Registrar or both. In the case of non-compliance on all 3 levels of examination, to be reported to the Deputy Registrar. 

3.5. Errors Encountered after registration, but before delivery (before delivery errors) The relevant firm will receive a notification of the error, either telephonically or by notice placed in the firm’s pigeonhole. the ideal situation would be for the Assistant Registrar or manager in charge of this section to telephonically contact the firm/conveyancer to enhance compliance/correction of the error. 

NB: A date will be indicated on the notice by when the rectification must be attended to (the turnaround time) which is very important because this affects the target of 10 days turnaround on the operational plan from date of registration. No second or third notices/or numerous unanswered telephone calls will be entertained as this will negatively affects the office reporting targets, deeds will be rejected procedurally incorrect and the firm account will be suspended as a last resort if the Firm/conveyancer refuses to comply. 

NB: The Assistant Registrar/manager when dealing with these types of rectifications must take cognisance of the SOP (standard operating procedure) 3/2017. Any error or omission on registered deeds which require an act of registration in terms of the Deeds Registries Act and Sectional Titles Act are excluded from being able to be rectified. 

3.6 Errors encountered on registered deeds relating to numbering section mistakes All and only original, registered /delivered deeds on which rectifications are required, must as from April 2022 be handed to the supervisor/or dedicated appointed official of numbering section with a letterhead/memo in triplicate requesting the rectification and indicating the nature of the error. The letter must be lodged in triplicate if a signed copy for acknowledgement of receipt is required. Corrections on deeds can only be done once verification on deeds view and DRS systems have been done. Upon collection of the rectified error a control sheet must be signed as proof by the relevant firm. The turnaround times for this type of rectification is +- 3-4 days depending on the type of error. Missing numbers not inserted in codes and extending clauses, office seal not affixed, incorrect numbers, registration dates and sequence of numbers etc. Only numbering related errors may be rectified by numbering section and no other matters/errors will be entertained. 

NB: The supervisor/dedicated official must first ascertain if the deeds are registered before any errors are rectified, especially the affixing of the office seal and only original deeds can be rectified. The supervisor /dedicated official must first ascertain from the deeds tracking and DRS systems if the deeds are indeed registered before rectification of any sort. Rectified deeds must be scanned to update the office record before returning it to the conveyancer ‘firm. 

A turnaround time of 1-4 days can be expected depending on the nature of the error and availability of the DRS, DOTS systems. 

3.7 Errors /Omissions on Permanent filed Deeds (TR/VB/DT) The conveyancer of a firm will return the original deeds to the supervisor/dedicated official of the TR section to enable the section to complete the necessary endorsement or to rectify any errors on the permanently filed deed/title or bond. A letterhead/ memo in triplicate should be submitted to the TR section, referring to the date, title and nature of the error/omission. – TR section will keep one memo as part of their POE. – The second memo will be endorsed/signed with a date and stamp submission to the office and return to the conveyancing firm. ~ The third memo will be delivered with the deeds after rectification/omission had been attended to. The rectified TR, VB, DT must be scanned before delivery. A turnaround time of 3-4 days can be expected depending on the nature and amount of errors, as well as the availability of the system whereby the firm may collect the rectified errors/omissions from the TR section and signing receipt thereof. RC 21/2016, RC 4/206 and Notice to Examiners dated 29/08/2005 are all hereby withdrawn. 

This Circular will come into operation as from 04/04/2022 

Registrar of Deeds


Deeds Office Registrar
Dated 30th March 2022

New schedule of fees are applicable as of the 1st April 2022.

View the new schedule of fees in PDF format.


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 16th March 2022


1. Purpose 

1.1 To notify all examiners and conveyancers of the revised arrangements pertaining to removal of notes following an ongoing challenge experienced by conveyancers. 

1.2 This notice withdraws all provisions indicated in all previous notices regarding the removal of notes during the current state of disaster period. 

2. Placing of Deeds in the Hive boxes. 

2.1 Conveyancers must attend or respond to all notes raised timeously, should there be a need to question notes raised; same must be done by attaching a Scan-Back form with clear motivation and reasons consideration by examiners. 

2.2 Conveyancers must place Deeds with open notes in the relevant Hive/Team’s box in the execution room between 08HO00am and 09H30am. 

2.3 Conveyancers are not allowed to put any deeds after expiry of this time frame, such must be put back to Prep as a “Holdover’. 

2.4Should there be a need to have the note removed urgently or discussed, conveyancers must call the relevant examiners using extension list provided for in the execution room and consult in examiner’s office. 

2.5 Should a note still not have been attended to by 10:30am conveyancers or Clerks may approach the examiners directly in their office without an appointment to have the note removed to avoid delays. The said conduct must be reported to the Assistant Registrar in the Hive. 

3. Removal of notes by Examiners 

3.1Examiners must indicate their names and Hive on the cover of the Deeds, furthermore examiners must clearly delete the previous examiners names should they receive a re-lodgement bearing the names of other examiners. 

3.2All examiners must remove their notes daily between 09H30am and 10:30am from the hive box placed in the execution room (26′ Floor). 

3.3Should there be a rotational arrangement to avoid crowding, same must be in writing (roster) and submitted to the Assistant Registrar to monitor same compliance. Examiners will be expected to sign a register as an indication that they attended to their respective hives notes. 

3.4In the absence of a Junior examiner, the Senior examiner must attend to the said Junior examiners notes and the procedure will be the same when the Senior Examiner is absent, the Assistant Registrar must attend to the hives notes. 

3.5Assistant Registrars must monitor compliance in their hives and take corrective measures to enforce compliance. 

This notice was effective from Wednesday, 17′” March 2022. 

Date: 15/03/2022


Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality – Withdrawn Notice
Dated 22nd March 2022

From: Mr Zuko Mani : 

Revenue Area Manager

Finance Revenue — Boksburg CCC 


Please note the notice below has been withdrawn with immediate effect.

Kindest Regards 

Boksburg Area Manager


Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Dated 17th March 2022

From: Mr Zuko Mani : 

Revenue Area Manager

Finance Revenue — Boksburg CCC 


Please note that as from 1 April 2022, no application for rates clearance certificate will be taken without an occupational certificate or the letter from owner’s building inspector will be accepted. 

Kindest Regards 

Boksburg Area Manager


Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated 1st March 2022 – 14:48

Please note that the Deeds Office Cape Town  will resume normal business operations tomorrow, 2 MARCH 2022.

Conveyancers will however  only be allowed entry at 8:30am.

Allen West


Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated 1st March 2022 –

We have received communique from the Deeds office Cape Town that an official has tested positive for Covid, thus the office has to close for decontamination.

The office will therefore be closed today, 1 March 2022.

Allen West


Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated 23rd February 2022 – 6:40

Due to a COVID 19 positive case at the Deeds Office, the office will unfortunately be closed today for decontamination.
We apologize for the inconveniences caused.

Kind regards
Insaaf Davids and Jospeh Dreyer
Western Cape Deeds Office: Compliance Officers.
Deeds Registration
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Tel: 021 464 7680

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 15th February 2022 – 11:49

Electricity has been restored – Deeds office Pretoria will reopen on 17 February.

Thanks for understanding



Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 15th February 2022 – 07:15

Dear All

Kindly find the response by Audrey Gwangwa to the closure of the Deeds Office


I was asked by conveyancers to respond to certain  questions.

1.       The reason is nonpayment of services to City of Tshwane

2.       I am not sure of amount owed but I saw R839 000. Department will put up a media statement

3.       I do not know why it was not paid

        4. Department of Public Works is responsible for payment

         5.   I have not received any communication as yet on this matter but was informed the matter is receiving attention.

         6.   I do not know when will the office open again.

Any further queries can be directed to me.


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 14th February 2022 – 12:15

Please take note City of Tshware has disconnected electricity at Merino building which houses Deeds Office Pretoria.

Wait for further communication, but we do not promise anything at the present moment.

Audrey Gwangwa


Finance Department – Revenue, City of Ekurhuleni
Dated 31st January 2022 – 12:00

To: The Chief Registrar, The Registrar Johannesburg Deed Office, The Registrar Pretoria Deeds Office 

From: Finance Department – Revenue, City of Ekurhuleni

31 January 2022 

Re: The Municipal Property Rates Act No. 6 of 2004. 

1. In terms of section 89(3) of the above to Act, registrars of deeds are compelled to call for rates clearance certificate within the transfer of all “property” as defined in section 1, as from 2 July 2009. 

2. As interim measure, and until a final arrangement as to the rating of property is made, the following measures will apply: 

2.1 Registrars of Deeds need not insist on rate clearance certificates for rights registered against immovable property, as provided for in the definition of property. This will have the effect that no rates clearance certificate need be called for the registration of inter alia, exclusive use areas, cessions of real rights of extension, cession of lease agreements and the cession of servitudes. 

2.2 With regards to the transferring of sections simultaneously with the opening of the sectional title register of phase development, the clearance certificate for land will suffice for the registration of simultaneous transfers within sectional title scheme. Thus no separate clearance certificate will be required for units transferred simultaneously with opening of register. 

3. As already alluded to, the above is an interim measure until such time that Municipal Property Rates Act is amended to accommodate above-mentioned. 

4. Kindly note that the above measures only cover “property” within the jurisdiction of the City of Ekurhuleni. 

5. This notification would be valid until 31 December 2022 or until such time before said date when alternative measures are put into place. 


Pauline Sibiya 
Acting Divisional Head: Revenue 
City of Ekurhuleni


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 21st January 2022 – 8:50

The Chief Registrar 
The Registrar Johannesburg Deed Office 
The Registrar Pretoria Deeds Office 

Date: 13 December 2021 

RE: The Municipal Property Rates Act No. 6 of 2004: 

1 In terms of section 89(3) of the above referred to Act, registrars of deeds are compelled to call for rates clearance certificates with the transfer of all “property” as defined in section 1, as from 2 July 2009. 

2 As an interim measure, and until a final arrangement as to the rating of property is made, the following measures will apply:

2.1 Registrars of Deeds need not insist on rates clearance certificates for rights registered against immovable property, as provided for in the definition of property. This will have the effect that no rates clearance certificates need be called for the registration of inter alia, exclusive use areas, cessions of real rights of extension, cession of lease agreements and the cession of servitudes. 

2.2 With regard to the transferring of sections simultaneously with the opening of the sectional title register of phase development, the clearance certificate for the land will suffice for the registration of the simultaneous transfers. Thus no separate rates clearance certificate will be required for the units transferred. 

3 As already alluded to, the above is merely an interim measure until such time as final measures are put into place. Registrars will be informed in writing when the final measures are to become operative. 

4 Kindly note that the above measures only cover “property” within the jurisdiction of the City Council of Johannesburg. 

5 This notification would be valid until 31 December 2022 or until such time before said date when the above measures are put in place. 


Jacques Maart 
Deputy Director Clearances
City of Johannesburg


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 24th January 2022 – 15:15


Please take note that scan into numbering is not working and that banks will not be updated with registrations.

Kind Regards
Allen West


King Williams Town Deeds Office
Dated 18th January 2022

Registrar’s Circular No. 1 of 2022 – Description of Exclusive Use Areas

1. The purpose of this circular is to clarify the description of Exclusive Use

Areas in a deed lodged for registration.

2. Due to the inconsistency in describing the Exclusive Use Areas in deeds

lodged for registration, it has become necessary to give guidelines as to the

description of these areas in deeds lodged for registration in this office.

3. The basis of each registration is the description on the Sectional Plan

which must be followed.

4. The type of exclusive use area as delineated on the sectional plan must be

referred to (RCR 72/2012). E.g. The exclusive area delineated on the plan

as Y2 where legend Y stands for yard must be described as follows in a


a) “Exclusive Use Area Yard Y2”

b) “Exclusive Use Area Parking P2”

c) “Exclusive Use Area Garden G2” in all deeds lodged for registration.

5. This will apply to all deeds lodged for registration after the date of this


Acting Registrar of Deeds in King Williams Town
18th January 2022



Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated 18th January 2022 – 7:30

Good Day,

Two of SGO staff members were exposed to persons who tested positive and as a result, Deeds Office Western Cape will be closed until further notice.

From our side we will have the lifts and the security area decontaminated as soon as possible.

Further communication will follow.

J Dreyer

Covid Compliance


Limpopo Deeds Office
Dated 12th January 2022 – 7:16

Dear Colleagues
Kindly be informed that the Polokwane Deeds Office and Surveyor General’s Office will be temporarily closed with effect from today, the 12th of January 2022 due to a reported positive COVID-19 case.
The office will undergo deep cleaning and decontamination process in line with COVID-19 regulations.

We will be informed of re-opening of the office in due course.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 3rd January 2022 – 10:21

Good Day

Please note

The Pretoria Deeds Office systems are off.

Apparently a SITA problem.

No Lodgments, prep or execution today .

Anton Theron

Kind Regards

Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 30th November 2021 – 15:28

Message from Registrar

The decontamination process has been finalized and post assessment will be done later tonight.

The office will be open tomorrow 01 December. 

Deeds that have been on execution and rejected will be reinstated tomorrow.

 We thank you for your assistance

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 30th November 2021 – 8.49

Morning Conveyancers

This is to inform you that we have another positive Covid 19 case of an Assistant Registrar who was executing yesterday.  We are left with no choice but to close office with immediate effect as most of you are contacts. You are urged to test immediately if you have been in contact and not feeling well.

We apologise for inconvenience  caused by our closure.

Allen West
Tonkin Clacey


Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office
Dated 29th November 2021 – 6:43

Closure for decontamination and disinfection

We have just been notified that the Pietermaritzburg Deeds Registry offices will be closed on Monday the 29th November 2021 for decontamination purposes and hope to re-open on the 30th November 2021. 

We will keep correspondents updated of developements. 



Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 23rd November 2021 – 7:07

Please take note that post decontamination assessment has been done
and the office will be ready for occupation this morning.

Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 22nd November 2021 – 09.40

Dear All 

Deeds Office Pta closing due to covid case. Only urgent registrations

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 17th November 2021 – 06.40

Good Morning 

The Deeds Office Pretoria will be up and running this morning

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 16th November 2021 – 06.55

Please take note that the electricity and water in our building remain cut and unfortunately the office will remain closed. Our minister and minister of public works are on talks and will update you should there be any positive development.

Audrey Gwangwa

Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 15th November 2021 – 06:50

Dear Colleagues

This is to inform you that City of Tshwane has cut electricity supply to our building Merino, and no activities can be performed in Pretoria Deeds office until further notice. We apologies for inconvenience caused. We will update you on developments.

Audrey Gwangwa

Kind Regards
Allen West


Tshwane By-Law – Dated 9th November 2021 – 2:40PM

Registering new properties in a township after the township has been proclaimed in terms of section 16(9) of the LUM By-law of the City of Tshwane

In order to take out either CRT’s or Transfer Erven out of a township the Registrar may not do so without a section 16(10) of the LUM By-law confirmation of compliance with the conditional approval and services provision.

This is read with section 53 of SPLUMA and section 16(10) of the LUM By-law can therefore state that for purposes of the By-law and SPLUMA the section 16(10) of the LUM By-law is issued and shall be regarded as the section 53 in terms of SPLUMA.

To ensure that the registrar is aware of all the registration transactions that have to register the Conditions of Establishment should accompany the section 16(10) of the LUM By-law.

If the developer wants to immediately or simultaneously wants to open a sectional title register with the first registration of newly created erven as a result of the township, they can do so but in addition to the section 16(10) of the LUM By-law which is also the section 53 of SPLUMA they will also require a section 28(9) of the LUM By-law from City Planning confirming that the sectional title scheme complies with the land use rights.

If they register or transfer properties resulting from the township first and then later wants to do a sectional title they must in all events over and above the above present the registrar with a section 28(9) of the LUM By-law from the Municipality.

Kind Regards

Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 19th October 2021 – 10:57

There is currently a 4 day backlog at distribution. This will increase with the Civil incident yesterday as several examiners are now in isolation.

Anton Theron


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 19th October 2021 – 6:57

Please take note that decontamination of Pta office is complete and a post decontamination assessment WAS conducted and the office will be ready for occupation this morning.


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 18th October 2021

Kindly be informed that the Deeds Office, Pretoria, is closed  due to a positive COVID case.

Will keep you updated of the opening once we know the outcome.


King Williams Town Deeds Office
Dated 1st October 2021 – 7:40

Good Afternoon

Notice to deeds office staff and clients

1. The following serves as a notice to all staff and clients of the closure of the deeds office after a positive case of COVID-19 was reported to management.

2. As a result of this delete office: King Williams town will be closed with immediate effect for decontamination purposes. Staff and clients will be notified of the reopening of the deeds office.

3. For enquiries please contact the following senior managers:

Mr Datini Fatyela 082 050 9399

Mr Gene Nitsky 078 370 4751


Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated 30th August 2021 – 14:50

Dear All

Please note that as from 1 September 2021, the CT Deeds Office will accept daily lodgments.

We would like to thank everyone for their cooperation  and understanding during this time.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 18th August 2021 – 8:30


The deeds office is open and fully functional today

Kind Regards

Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 16th August 2021, reported 17th August 7:30

Find urgent message from Registrar of Deeds Pretoria :

Good Day colleagues

Please note that the Merino Building that houses Surveyor General and Pretoria Deeds staff has been exposed to Covid -19.
The office will therefore be temporarily closed for decontamination process in line with health protocols.

Further information will be communicated after a post decontamination assessment has been conducted.

Please note that only execution of urgent matters will be available.


Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated 6th August 2021 13:50

Please note the following as at 6 Aug 2021:

•             Deeds distributed to 1st level Examination- Deeds lodged 2 August 2021

•             Deeds distributed to 2nd level Examination- Deeds lodged 23, 26 , 27 July 2021

The office is currently prioritizing examination and registration of deeds and as a result delivery of deeds will unfortunately be delayed.

Please take note of RN4/2021, expedited delivery will only be considered 21 days after registration.

Kind regards

Insaaf Davids
Western Cape Deeds Office: Deputy Registrar of Deeds


Polokwane Deeds Office
Dated 5th August 2021 – 15:30

Dear Colleagues

Kindly be informed that the Polokwane Deeds Office  and Surveyor General’s Office will be temporarily closed with effect from today, the 05th of August 2021 due to a reported positive COVID-19 case.

The office will undergo deep cleaning and decontamination process in line with COVID-19 regulations.

We will be informed of re-opening of the office in due course.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office
Dated 3rd August 2021 – 10:35

This notice is to inform Conveyancers and members of the public that the office is closed due to a Covid-19 positive case and for deep cleaning to be done.

For further information you can contact:
Mr Pico Moshodi – 060 582 7630
Mr Sandile Duma – 071 606 6585
Ms Busi Mdunge – 071 600 0821

Registrar of Deeds in Pietermaritzburg.


Cape Town Deeds Office
Dated 3rd August 2021
– 10:00

Dear All

Please note the following important information.

Due to the current backlog on examination, the CT management have agreed that the office will accept lodgment’s on the following days:          Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Lodgment time is from 8:00am to 10:00am.

Please note this will be effective from 2 August 2021.

Please note that next week Monday, 9 August is a public holiday. Lodgments will therefore only be accepted on Wednesday and Friday.

The above measure with be in place until further notice.

Kind regards,
Insaaf Davids
Western Cape Deeds Office: Deputy Registrar of Deeds
Tel: 021 464 7680

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 3rd August 2021

Good Morning

Kindly see the following communique from Registrar of Deeds Pretoria :

Please take deeds  rejected solely on expired rates clearances as the only note, and all deeds rejected for held over too long at prep  should be forwarded to Mrs Jooma for corrective maintenance with new printouts.

Conveyancers are advised to notify deputies, Mrs Jooma, Mrs Sibanyoni of unnecessary delays of deeds in movement of deeds at tracking points as soon as possible.

Please follow Covid 19 regulations and stay safe

We thank you for your continued cooperation. 



Junior Examiners…22 July 2021


Capturing 20 JULY backlog.  28 July current.  So later registered deeds might be captured


No backlog

Scanning 19 July 2021

Kind Regards
Allen West

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 30th July 2021

Please see communique from the Registrar of Deeds Pretoria:


We are doing a cleanup of system and checking of unusual movements of deeds in system. Please be notified that we are closing down on deeds fast tracked in system due to backlogs. We are monitoring unnecessary delays of deeds in our systems and rectifying them. We will be closing accounts of firms whose deeds are flying through system and tampering with our plans to eradicate backlogs.

No conveyancers are allowed at data and micro with immediate effect.

No conveyancer must respond to calls by examiners to come rectify deeds because they will reject if not attended to .

No deeds office staff are allowed to call you for deeds except managers and deputies . If in trouble call management.

Exception reports are drawn and checked daily to monitor movement of deeds.

All sections will update you in lifts on progress in their sections. Please notify us of any delays in your deeds.

Please adhere to Covid 19 regulations.

Do not share barcodes.

Thanks for your continued support


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 29th July 2021 – 7:15

Good Morning

Message from Pretoria Registrar re the Covid incident of yesterday:

Post contamination assessment has been done and office is ready for occupation

Kind Regards
Allen West

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 29th July 2021 – 12:00

Good morning colleagues. Update on Pta Deeds


Junior Examiners …15 July ( if your deeds were lodged before 15 July and there is no movement please contact myself, deputies, Mrs Jooma or Mrs Sibanyoni.

Juniors are doing 2 days’ work for 2 days on 3rd day deeds are returned and 2 days’ work is given returned on Friday. This means no deed must be held by junior for more than 3 days.

We are capturing 14 July and 15 July”

Kind Regards
Allen West


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 26th July 2021 – 14:30

The 26th floor at the JHB Deeds Office has been decontaminated.

A readiness assessment will be conducted at 8:00 tomorrow morning.

Staff will be able to access the 26th floor from 8:15 and clients from 9:00. 

Service times will be extended.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused

Kind Regards
Allen West


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 26th July 2021 – 7:00

Good Day

The office has received confirmation that one of the conveyancers who was in the office on Friday has tested positive for covid 19. The conveyancer indicates visiting all sections on the 26th floor. After a risk assessment has been done a decision was reached to close the 26th floor with immediate effect and arrange for decontamination thereof tomorrow morning.

Can you please share the closure of the 26th floor with the rest of the legal

Kind Regards
Allen West

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 21st July 2021 – 15:00

The following message just received :

“The office will be open for operations on Thursday 22 July”


Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 21st July 2021 – 12:00

Due to a COVID Incident no Preps were put forward this morning.


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 21st July 2021 – 7:00

Good Morning

Current backlog at Pretoria Deeds Office:

Snr =1300

This excludes yesterday’s Lodgement of 1379 deeds

Kind Regards
Allen West


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 20 July 2021 – 7:00

Good morning,

Management received confirmation this morning of a Covid19 positive results from one of the clients who was in the 26th floor.

As a result access to 26th floor “only” will be restricted immediately to clients and staff working in the said floor. A risk assessment will be conducted to determine direct contacts and the areas to be decontaminated on 26th floor.

NB: Only floor 26 is affected by this closure.

We will keep you posted on the Re-opening of the floor.

Please assist circulating the message.

JHB Management

Kind Regards
Allen West

Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office
Dated 19th July 2021 – 7:00

Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office will be open today.



Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 15 July 2021 – 7:20

Good Day:

The decontamination and disinfection process of all affected areas was finalised last night  at 18:00pm, as a result the office will open for operation this morning  the 15th July 2021 as follows:

1. The post decontamination assessment will be conducted in the morning at 07:00am.

2. Staff will be allowed entry from 08:00am to finalize work that was not completed today.

3. Clients will be then be allowed from 09:00am.

You will be informed should there be any unforeseen changes


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 14th July 2021 – 12:00

Dear All

Please note that there has been a covid19 positive case reported by an official who was in the office yesterday. As a result the office will immediately close for decontamination.

You are requested to vacate the building to allow the affected areas to be disinfected asap.

Kind regards
JHB Deeds Management

Kind Regards
Allen West

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 14th July 2021 – 7:15


Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office
Dated 12th July 2021 – 8:00

In Pietermaritzburg the deeds office has closed owing to riots. Most practices will also not open.

Pmb Deeds Office will reopen on the 19th July 2021.
Dr Daan Steenkamp


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 12th July 2021 – 7:15

Dear Colleagues.

Thank you to all of you have offered to assist with the problems of regular closures of the Pretoria Deeds Office. I repeat that the management of The Deeds Office Pretoria is doing all possible to limit closures within the existing protocols they are subject to. We are thus grateful for that and that conveyancers are still not restricted in the number allowed to enter. This however comes with the responsibility of not entering the building if you have any symptoms or have been exposed to Covid positive persons. By doing this the closures can be limited because the moment it comes to the knowledge of the management that a Covid positive case entered the building they have to follow the decontamination process. We also ask you not to lodge matters where your clearance is soon to expire because with the current backlog of approximately 25000 Deeds your matter will not come up for prep before the clearance expires thus just causing a further increase of backlog. We suggest that clearances should be valid for at least a month from date of lodgement. Thank you to all members for the responsible way you assist our colleagues in the Deeds Office.

Stay safe.
Anton Theron obo PAA JAA and GAA

PS Please note the M-Floor (Archives Section) at Merino Building has been successfully decontaminated after being exposed to COVID-19. Post decontamination assessment was conducted and it was established that the section is now ready to be occupied. The entire building is, therefore, ready for occupation. Staff is therefore requested to report for duty , Monday, 12 July 2021.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office
Dated 8th July 2021 – 18:00

Evening Colleagues
Please take note that Deeds Office Pietermaritzburg is closed until further notice, after a COVID-19 positive case was reported . Daan Steenkamp


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 9th July 2021 – 7:10

Good Morning

Please be advised that all affected areas (entire 26th floor) were successfully decontaminated and disinfected.
The office readiness assessment was conducted and the office was declared ready for to be accessed as per required cooling period for chemicals used.

The office is officially opened for services today 09/07/2021.

Kind Regards
Allen West

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 9th July 2021 – 7:00

Good Morning

Please note Merino Building that house PTA Deeds and SG officials is temporarily closed due to exposure to COVID-19.
The office will not be accessible today 09 July 2021.

You will be informed about the return to office once the decontamination process has been finalized.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 8th July 2021 – 9:20

Dear JHB Clients,

Please note that management just received confirm of a Covid19 positive case from one of the clients
who was in the office yesterday as a result the affected floor 26th floor will be closed for decontamination.

Access will be immediately restricted in respect of 26 Floor.

JHB Management

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 7th July 2021 – 7:25

Good day colleagues

Please note that the Merino Building has been successfully decontaminated and post decontamination assessment was conducted and a decision was taken that the building is now ready for occupancy.
Staff is therefore informed to report for duty on 07 July 2021.

Keep safe all the time..


Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 6th July 2021 – 7:00

Good day colleagues

Please note that the Pretoria Deeds Office has been exposed to Covid-19. The building is therefore temporarily closed and cannot be accessible.

You will be notified about the reopening of the building after decontamination process has been finalized.


Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 5th July 2021 – 11:50

Prep clerks reduced from 43 to 15  allowed in Deeds Office Pretoria with immediate effect.

May cause delays with lodgment and other linking’s.

Management of Deeds Office requests cooperation from all.

The measure is necessary in keeping with current Covid protocol.

Anton Theron obo PAA JAA and GAA

Kind Regards
Allen West

Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 5th July 2021 – 8:50

Notice to JHB Deeds Clients:

Please take note that from 05-09 July 2021 the office will only grant Special Final Black Book on Rate Clearance which expires on the date of request.  Any other reason will not be granted. This is due to isolation of over 70% of officials at DATA due to  two Covid19 positive cases reported over the weekend.

This will assist with efficient flow of work while we are under staff.

Clients must put deeds forward a day before as per normal procedure.

Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.

JHB Management

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 5th July 2021 – 8:00

OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Private Bag X183, Pretoria, 0001; Tel: 012 338 7000; Fax: 012 338 7103


Interim procedures affecting RCC ‘s and VA applications


To set out a procedure a to regulate acceptance of new rates clearances certificates and provide clarity when a copy of a newspaper is lodged


A. During a stakeholder engagement by management and the PAA committee (Conveyancers) raised the following concerns:

Rejection of deeds which had been on the system for a long period / or lodged timeously and yet rejected because the RCC had lapsed. The delays caused by the backlog and Covid-19 has resulted in the turnaround times for making deeds available on prep being affected negatively.

B. A second problem was the uncertainty and uniformity for rejecting VA applications where the conveyancer lodge a certified copy of the advertisement, in some cases the conveyancers cannot obtain the original depending on the news paper and the area of advertisement.



Examiners are advised to asses the Rates clearance certificate lodged and compare with the date of lodgement of the deeds, especially in cases where a VA application is part of the batch, as sometimes the copy required is a “PDF” and can take weeks to obtain. Senior examiners are encouraged to determine if the deeds were in the system longer than 10 working days, and not reject the deeds if the rates clearance

expired during examination, but rather make a prep note to lodge a new clearance before registration.

Examiners are also advised to accept a new clearance certificate during examination accompanied by a tracking printout whereon a deputy registrar has given consent to insert the new RCC that indicates that the deeds are in the system longer than 10 days.

The examiner must link the new RCC and the tracking together with the old RCC as documents in the deed.


VA applications must have a certified copy of the newspaper clipping as well as the original newspaper advert or just the original newspaper advert. The examiner must be able to establish the date, which newspaper as well as the content of the advert. Snippets of a page of the newspaper clipping where the date and the advert has been cut out, separated and pasted on a page is not acceptable the whole page must be lodged.

In cases where the conveyancer only lodged a certified copy which complies with the requirements the examiner may make prep/personnel note to the conveyancer to present the original before registration and mot reject the deeds.

This notice will be effective immediately


Acting Registrar of Pretoria Deeds Office


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 2nd July 2021 – 15:15

Dear JHB Deeds Clients,

Please be advised that the Johannesburg Deeds Registry has been exposed to a Covid-19 positive case of an official the service has been requested decontaminated this afternoon.

As a result the office has been closed with immediate effect.
Further up dates will be communicated in due course.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 2nd July 2021 – 14:00

Dear All

Please note the following:

  1. Matters lodged on the 9th of June is now starting to come on prep (there may be a few exceptions);
  2. The backlog is still over 20000 and the turnaround time for deeds will not improve in the short term, due to the slow pace of implementation of overtime work;
  3. The concession regard inserting of clearances on prep will only be allowed if your clearance is, or was, valid for at least 21 days from date of lodgement;
  4. Matters being lodged now must have clearances valid for at least 30 days to allow the concession of inserting clearances on prep;
  5. Data section has less than 50% of staff at the office and there will thus be long delays in updating records with data.
  6. Rectifications of data will take much longer than before;
  7. Not all firms have permanent conveyancers in the deeds office and many make use of prep clerks. The number of prep clerks allowed into the deeds office has been reduced and it often happens that firms who make use of their services find it difficult to have their deeds in the relevant pigeon holes for linking to lodge etc. We often find that the allegation is made that a firm has placed deeds in the pigeon holes for linking, only to find that it is not correct. It is not necessarily due to dishonesty but merely they believe it was done. Our staff check the pigeon holes regularly and if Aubrey says the deeds were not there for linking, it will factually be correct.
  8. Many matters have been scanned at various points, for instance data, distribution, prep, numbering, data capturing and delivery whilst it is actually not at that specific point. The tracking system is, in other words, not at all times accurate. Many deeds will now show “delivery” whilst it has not yet been thrown out;
  9. There will be delays between distribution of deeds to various levels of examination. It may be that a p/out will show it has been scanned to level 1 or 2 but then take a few days before the examiner actually receives/examines the deed. This will, for instance, be due to the rotation of staff and limited staff in the ofiice;

We will try to keep you informed of further developments.

Anton Theron


Kind Regards

Allen West

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 2nd July 2021 – 10:30

Dear All.

Clearances must be valid for 30 days from date of lodgment to qualify for the concessions to lodge a new clearance on prep.

It will thus be advisable to only lodge matters where you have a clearance valid for at least 30 days.


Kind Regards
Allen West

Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 1st July 2021 – 7:00

Good Morning

Herewith the latest update:

Please note that the Merino Building that houses Surveyor General and Pretoria Deeds staff has been decontaminated after being exposed to Covid -19 and a post decontamination assessment was conducted and a decision was taken that the building is ready to be occupied.
Staff is therefore informed to report for duty tomorrow 01 July 2021.


Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 30th June 14:33

Dear Colleagues.

There has been another infection in the Deeds Office Pretoria and the process of decontamination will start asap.
The office will probably be closed tomorrow unless the assessment is done early.
I suggest that members wait for further communication before coming to the Deeds Office Pretoria tomorrow.

Anton Theron
obo PAA JAA and GAA Property Committee

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 30th June 2021 – 14:00

Dear All.

With very limited staff. The PTA Deeds Office registered 2600 deeds today. Taking into account that they closed on Monday evening, reopened this morning after the challenge of protocols etc., and only being able to advise staff to return to office after clearance of the building after 07h00, it is a wonderful example of commitment to duty and co-operation.

The PAA, JAA and GAA extend our warmest gratitude to the staff of the Deeds Office Pretoria and all members who assisted to make a difference against heavy odds.

Sincerely. Anton Theron obo the PAA JAA and GAA Property Committees

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 30th June 2021 – 7:00am

(A message from Acting Registrar : Pretoria Deeds)

The office has been decontaminated and a post contamination assessment was performed this morning and the office is ready for business.

However the registrar cautions that due to a number of staff in self-isolation, some services might be disrupted, however the office will try assist clients as much as they can. We apologies for inconvenience that might have been caused by constant closure of office.

…….Message from Anton Theron

Dear Messrs Ndlovu, Gwangwa, Damons and Ms Hurter.

Thank you again for the constructive meeting

We confirm the following

  1. Matters may be blackbooked and registered on the day it comes on prep without further permission being required.
  2. Special arrangements for examination of Deeds at home by examiners will be arranged and further details will follow. Conveyancers will be requested to be patient and allow the system to be perfected in time.
  3. a circular will be distributed regarding inserting clearances on prep where they have lapsed during the time spent in the Deeds Office.
  4. Deeds currently on prep can also be blackbooked and put forward when the Deeds Office reopens.
  5. Matters on prep where the time periods for registration have lapsed will automatically be extended and if rejected will be subject to corrective maintenance.
    6 matters put forward on Monday for registration will remain up for execution when the Deeds Office reopens.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 29th June 2021 – 7:10am

I have spoken to Acting Registrar Mr Ndlovu who confirmed that the PTA office will be closed today due to another infection.

Further communications will follow.

Anton Theron
obo PAA JAA and GAA Property Committee


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated 29th June 2021 – 7:00am

Dear JHB Deeds Clients,

Please be advised that the affected areas were successfully decontaminated yesterday afternoon. However due  to unforeseen delays, the office readiness for occupation assessment is scheduled to take place this morning at 07:00am. Therefore access to the building will be allowed as follows:

• Cleaners: 07:20am

• Deeds Office Staff: 08:00am

• Clients 08:30am

Special arrangement will be made for extended registration and other services

Very Important

JHB Management received a report that some clients are forcefully allowing Prep Clerk on 26th Floor which is against Registrars Notice 8/2021 which stated clear that no Clerk are allowed on 26th Floor this includes the lift foyer. This action undermines of Covid19 and security protocol implemented by management and will not be taken lightly. Clients are requested to follow all protocol implemented as it is for the benefit of all and drastic action will be taken against the affected clients.

Kind Regards
Allen West


Pretoria Deeds Office
Dated 28th June 2021 – 10:45am

Dear Colleagues

Please excuse quality of this email. It is being sent on cell phone.

The following applies:

1 – only matters where clearances expire today can be put forward for registration today. The same will apply for the next few days,

2 – there will be a general circular to examiners to make prep notes on matters that have been in the system for 10 working days and longer to allow new clearances to be inserted on prep. They should thus not be rejected

3 – the whole numbering section is in self-isolation and further info will follow on impact of this

4 – whole prep section in self-isolation and preps will be slow. Management doing all they can to address this

Management is working on plan to see what can be done regarding black booking and data. Request has been made for all to co-operate and avoid unnecessary consultations on 4th floor.

Colleagues are requested to assist management during this period and not to overload the system. More communication will follow.

Anton Theron
For Property Committees of the GAA, PAA and JAA


Johannesburg Deeds Office
Dated – 27th June 2021 (Sunday) – 16:00

Due to today being a Sunday the required quotes for decontamination today was received very late, making it impossible to appoint a service provider who could provide the service this evening. Decontamination and the readiness for occupation assessment will be conducted tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please inform the fraternity of tomorrows office closure.

Further updates will be communicated tomorrow

Kind Regards
Paulina Zwartland
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Johannesburg
Tel. No. 011 843 8311


Dated – 25th June 2021 7:00Pretoria Deeds Office

Kindly find the notification of the closure of the Pretoria Deeds Registry and the response thereto from Anton Theron:
Please note that the office (Pta Deeds) was exposed to a Covid-19 positive case.  The office is temporarily closed
You will be informed about the return to office once the decontamination process has been finalized.

Dear Mr Ndlovu and Mr Gwangwa.

I hope you are doing well and in good health. The latest information about your staff and infections is noted with great pain and concern.
We hope they all recover fully. We know you have many challenges and offer all assistance from the Associations.
It will be a great help to be informed of progress today with the decontamination and possibility of overtime work the weekend to enable us to prepare our members on the impact of the latest challenge. You are in our thoughts and may you and your staff find strength in these difficult times.

Thank you for keeping us informed thus far.

Best wishes.
Anton Theron for PAA JAA and GAA


Dated – 24th June 2021 16:00Pretoria Deeds Office

Mr Anton Theron,  as representative of the GAA, PAA and JA, had a further meeting with Mr Ndlovu and Mr Gwangwa today during which the following was discussed and confirmed:

  1. The backlog of deeds lodged and awaiting distribution is approximately 21000;
  2. Deeds Lodged on the 7th and 8th of June are currently being distributed to first examiners. It is thus likely/possible that these deeds will not be on prep for registration before the end of June;
  3. Deeds lodged after the 7th and 8th of June will mostly not be registered before the end of the month;
  4. There is no finality regarding our request to lodge clearances on prep and a communication in this regard will follow in due course. It will only be allowed, if permission is granted, on matters where it is quite clear that the clearance would not have lapsed under normal circumstances;
  5. The conveyancers are urged not to lodge matters where clearances are valid for less than 1 month. With the current backlog these matters may not be registered before the clearances expire;
  6. Further overtime for examiners is still under discussion;
  7. A team list will be circulated shortly to enable conveyancers to discuss notes and rejections with ARs;
  8. Arrangements will be made to have a person on the first floor to remove examiners notes to avoid unnecessary contact with examiners;
  9. Corrective maintenance will only be considered if the relevant notes have been discussed with the examiner, or his AR, and the note has been removed. No matters should be placed in the “corrective maintenance box” if this has not been complied with;
  10. The situation regarding the number of prep clerks to be admitted to the third floor has not been finalised and further communications will follow;
  11. Rotation of staff/examiners will continue and may affect turnaround times.

We will endeavour to keep you updated

Kind Regards
Allen West


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