Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office


  1. Background: 

The country moved to adjusted alert level 1 lockdown from the 1st March 2021 which permits most of economic sector to open and start operation. Due to the change of alter level the office is hereby reviewing its arrangements. 

  1. Purpose: 

To inform staff and clients of measure on adjusted after level 1. 

  1. Measures: 
    1. Staff rotation is hereby suspended immediately. 
    2. One Conveyancer or one clerk, at a time, per firm will be allowed access to the Deeds Office building between 08h00 until 15h00. 
    3. Lodgement of Deeds and Documents 
      1. Lodgements will take place between 08h30 to 10h00 in the foyer on the ground floor. 
      2. No lodgements will be accepted after 10h00. 
      3. All solo deeds, own sets and already linked sets to be placed on the trolley. 
    4. Afternoon fees: 
      1. Will take place between 13h00 to 14h00. 
    5. Fees/Delivery: 
      1. Counter queries must be attended to and placed in the basket provided for counter queries on the far left-side of the counter. A team of examiners will attend to the counter queries at 11h00. 
      2. Only a maximum number of 10 people are allowed in public office at any given time, social distancing should always be followed.
      3. One conveyancer or one clerk per firm will be allowed in public office at a time. 
    6. Execution: 
      1. Only sixteen (16) conveyancers will be allowed in Execution room at a time. 
      2. No Clerks will be allowed in execution. 
      3. Execution time will be from 09h00 to 11h00. 
      4. Request to walk deeds up to execution must be made to the Deputy Registrar: Examination, who shall grant such permission after ensuring that the deed is fit for registration. It is the responsibility of the conveyancer requesting a walk-up to ensure that, after permission has been granted, deeds are scanned out of prep, are placed in the designated black-booking basket at the data section and thereafter taken up to execution. 
      5. No Walk-ups will be permitted after 11h00. 
    7. Consultation: 
      1. Conveyancers are only permitted to consult with examiners telephonically or via email and the Deputy Registrar : Examination , Mr Duma must be copied on this email: sandile.duma@drdlr.gov.za
    8. Information/ Enquiries section/5th floor strongroom : 
      1. The information section is open to walk-in clients with strict adherence to Covid 19 regulations and protocol. The number of people being assisted, at a time is limited. 
      2. Procedures in terms of Registrar Circular 9/2020 should be followed. 
  1. General Provisions: 
    1. Wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a must at the Deeds Office. 
    2. No Children and no visitors will be allowed inside the Deeds Office. 
    3. Social Distancing must always be practiced. 
    4. This circular comes into operation with immediate effect. 

DATE: 2021/03/01


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