Minutes of Meeting of Representatives of The Pretoria and Gauteng Attorneys Association, Property Law Committee and Representatives of The City of Tshwane, Revenue Management Department, on the 11th of February 2021, Held via MS Teams.
1. Attendances and Apologies:
- Ronny Shilenge (Divisional Head of Revenue)
- Sam Chepape (Tshwane Revenue Pretoria)
- Norman Mkhwanazi (Tshwane Revenue Pretoria)
- Phathutshedzo Ramovhu (Tshwane Metering)
- Nicole Pagel (PAA)
- Anton Theron (GAA)
- Miriam Jansen Van Vuuren (PAA)
- Jodie Van Broekhize (PAA)
- Annemarie Burger (Tshwane Rates)
- Lesiba Thupudi (Metering Tshwane)
- Sophie Dladla (Tshwane Rates)
- Gareth Shepperson (PAA)
2. Confirmation of Minutes of the 23rd of November 2020
Minutes Confirmed.
3. Matters Arising
All Relevant Matters Under “For Discussion”.
4. For Discussion:
I) Rolling Out of Further Phases of the On-Line System:
Mr Chepape advised as follows:
- They have been very busy with the service provider to try to upgrade the system and roll out the new phases. They went through the final testing yesterday and the upgrades were signed off. Mr Shilenge confirmed that the upgraded system will go live on Monday the 15th of February 2021.
- From today, Interfile will start uploading the updates onto the system bit by bit, to make sure that it is all working well and that there are no problems.
In relation to the upgraded system, the following will be applicable:
- Memo’s submitted and “actual” meter readings are up to date on the system:
- The figures will be issued automatically, without human intervention.
- Once payment has been made and uploaded, the system will read that payment has been received and will automatically issue the clearance certificate.
- Even if a subsequent outstanding balance appears on the account, the system will only read that payment has been received and the certificate will still be issued.
- Memo’s submitted and “estimated” meter reading on the system:
- The application will be referred to the meter reading department to attend to the meter reading.
- A note will be sent to the conveyancer through the system to say that the meter readings are estimated and therefore the application has been referred to meter reading.
- The meter readers will go onto the portal and check the reading and the photos uploaded onto the system and they will either upload the meter reading or, if there is a major difference between the reading / photo and what they have on the system, they will physically go out and do a reading.
- Once the meter reading has been attended to, it will be up-loaded onto the system, it will then be billed and then the figures will be issued automatically on the system.
- Once payment is reflected, the certificate will be issued automatically.
- Pending Journal Adjustment:
- A message will be sent to the attorney on the system to say “Pending Journal Adjustment”.
- Human intervention is required to attend to the journals.
- Once attended to, the figures will be issued on the system.
- Expired Memo:
- If the memo has expired, a message will be sent on the system, and the attorney will have to re-apply.
- Adjustment after the memo has been issued and paid:
- If there is a subsequent adjustment on the account, after the memo has been issued and paid, a message will be sent on the system to advise the attorney that a further payment is required.
- The system will not allow the certificate to be issued, if there is a pending adjustment on the system.
- Closed account linked to active account:
- The system will pick up a debit on a closed account and add it to the figures.
- This debit must be paid, with any active account debits, or the system will not issue the certificate.
- Wrong account number used in application:
- If an incorrect account number, or a closed account number, or the service account number is used instead of the rates account number, then the system will pick this us and a message will be sent advising the attorney to use the rates account number in the application.
- Adjustments and Section 89 figures:
- These are the only times that human intervention will be necessary, as it is more technical.
- The system will automatically calculate Section 118 figures.
- Attorneys must continue to upload photos of water meters and the latest electricity accounts. Photos must not be older than 3 days!!!
- Attorneys must make sure that the information loaded on the system is 100% accurate, so as to avoid rejections and delays in processing applications.
- If attorneys experience problems or delays, they must continue to use clearanceescalations@tshwane.gov.za to request assistance or report problems.
- The system does still not add Exclusive Use Areas. Clearance certificates must still be referred to Tshwane offices for them to endorse the Exclusive Use Area on the Certificate.
- Do Not re-apply on current applications on the system, in general or when the new system comes into effect. Tshwane will work on the current applications as they now reflect on the system. Re-applying leads to duplicate applications and skewed figures. It does not speed up the process.
ii) Backlogs in Figures, Certificates and Meter Readings:
- Meter reading:
Ms Ramovhu advised that there is still a backlog, mainly due to the meter readers working on a rotational basis, due to Level 3 restrictions. There are around 1450 pending readings through the portal, and Ms Ramovhu confirmed that this backlog should be eradicated by Wednesday the 17th of February 2021.
With regard to locked electricity boxes, attorneys should upload a photo of the locked box, and when the application is referred to metering, via the portal, metering will send an inspector out to unlock and take the reading. Mrs Pagel raised a concern that it takes the readers a very long time to go out to locked boxes and then upload the readings. Mr Mkhwanazi advised that there are now very strict Service Level Agreements in place with metering, and, on the new system, they can now monitor the turnaround times, which should improve service delivery in this regard.
- Clearance figures and certificates:
Mr Mkhwanazi showed the latest stats as of 7 February 2021 and will email them to Mrs Pagel. On average, the turnaround time for figures, on applications that have no issues and no outstanding readings on them, is 7.8 days and for certificates, 5.8 days. They have approximately 4945 pending applications still on the system.
When the new system comes into effect, Tshwane officials will clear the duplicate applications and they will clear applications that have incorrect information on them, so that attorneys know whether they have to re-apply or not.
iii) Allegations of Fraud and Corruption in Tshwane offices;
There is no feedback on this front. Mr Shilenge will ask for feedback. The new system will hopefully sort this issue out, as there will be very little human intervention.
iv) Refunds and name changes – update:
Mr Chepape advised that they have requested some enhancements to the portal as the portal and the SAP system must say the same thing.
They are working on an automated system with regard to name changes and refunds, which they hope to implement soon. They are just fine-tuning the new system and once they have tested it, they will implement. There have a backlog of approximately 4000 name changes.
Ms Jansen Van Vuuren mentioned that the Deeds Office has a massive backlog at data, and attorneys can thus not upload updated deeds office records until 1 to 2 months after registration. It was confirmed, that even through there is a box at Tshwane where name change requests can be placed, attorneys must still upload the updated deeds office records onto the system. They cannot do the name change without updated deeds office records.
v) Suspense accounts:
Ms Jansen Van Vuuren asked for clarification in the instance where the client paid money into the incorrect account. How does one get the money back? Mr Chepape confirmed that he will give the PAA the details of the person that can be contacted to assist in this instance.
Mr Chepape requested, that if the members experience any problems with the upgraded system, that they be reported to Tshwane so that they can look into it and report back at the next meeting.