This webinar is aimed at updating the conveyancing fraternity with the latest amendments to the deeds office practice and procedure pertaining to the new developments and recent case law affecting the conveyancing practice. Registration Closes – 17 August 2016 at 10:00
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is a must for all conveyancers. Your conveyancing secretary, paralegal and candidate attorney assisting you in the day-to-day practice will also benefit from attending this update. Practitioners who do not familiarise themselves fully with the changes risk the possible rejection of deeds and documents resulting in dire consequences for practitioners and their clients.
Allen West was the Chief of Deeds Training from 1 July 1984 to 30 September 2014 and is currently a Property Law Consultant at MacRobert Attorneys in Pretoria. He is the co-author of numerous books on conveyancing, has published more than 100 articles in leading law journals, and regularly posts articles on GhostDigest.
Allen is also a lecturer extra-ordinary at the University of Pretoria and a moderator and consultant of conveyancing subjects at Unisa. Allen has presented courses for the LSSA (LEAD) since 1984 and has served on the following boards: Sectional Title Regulation Board, Deeds Registries Regulation Board and Conference of Registrars, as well as numerous other related committees.
Since its inception, Allen was the editor of the South African Deeds Journal (SADJ), up until September 2014. Allen West obtained his qualifications (NDRD) from Unisa and has also studied at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States.
Cost Of The Online Course
Special offer: 2016 Practitioner’s Guide to Conveyancing and Notarial Practice, Allen West – 20% discount for delegates attended any Conveyancing LEAD seminar and participate in the Conveyancing webinars in 2016 – contact
Only R250. Per participant. (VAT Inclusive)
The Attorneys Fidelity Fund provides a substantial measure of funding for the training of attorneys and candidate attorneys. This allows LEAD to offer quality training at affordable fees.
There are no contact sessions for this course. This is a four-month online course, and is equivalent to a full time, three-day attendance course.
Webinar System Requirements
Definition: a webinar is a seminar conducted over the internet.
You are required to close other tabs, browsers, and programs before watching the webinar (read more in the Download requirement document).
We recommend that you participate using headphones. Cell phone earphones work well for this purpose.
How to register
Step 1
Payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT). Kindly note you can only register online.
Step 2
Register Online before 10:00 on 17 August 2016 (remember to upload the proof of payment)
Step 3
You will be requested to nominate a “username”. This name will be visible to all participants so you can use a pseudonym if you prefer.
Once you have successfully registered to participate, your details will be added to the eLEADer platform (LEAD’s online learning system) and, at least 24 hours before the webinar starts, you will receive a system-generated email with your username, password and a link to the webinar site and instructions.
Please read the instructions carefully and test your link to the webinar page at least an hour before it starts.
Register Online
Kindly note you can only register online by clicking HERE.
EFT payments and individual registrations only. You will be required to upload your proof of payment (PDF or Word) during the registration process.
LSSA Banking Details
Law Society of South Africa
Acc no: 6200 9641 079
Bank: FNB Pretoria
Branch Code: 251445
Ref: Your name, surname and cell number
Contact Administrator
For more information about the webinar contact Stephne Pieterse email: stephne@LSSALEAD.ORG.ZA on tel: +27 (0)12 441 4607
Why train online?
Students train in their own time and setting.
The course material is in electronic format.
Online courses are more cost-effective than attendance ones.
As there are no contact sessions – students save in transport costs. LEAD’s online training requirements A computer with an Internet connection
Basic computer skills
Dedication and time to study
Please Take Note
The confirmation email will be sent to you 1-days AFTER the closing of registration
The webinar is conducted in English only
Should you need to cancel your registration, this must be done in writing within two business days before the closing date to avoid the full fee being charged
LEAD reserves the right to cancel a webinar should the number of registered participants not justify the costs involved.