Are you an awakening lawyer? These are lawyers awakening to a new consciousness emerging in the law. They see the dysfunction and toxicity of the current legal system, and rather than quitting or numbing their pain, feel called to awaken and shift and find a way to transform the systems – or design new ones.
My mission is to help lawyers do the work only they can do, to transform the legal system. I LOVE helping lawyers in this way!
If this calls to you, and you’re ready to get clear on YOUR vision for what you want to CREATE next in your career (not responding or reacting to the circumstances you find yourself in, but CHOOSING and then CREATING the vision you hold) you can still join us on the 5 week online coaching 11 November to 11 December.
Message me today if you’re ready and we will respond or head over to the FB page for WomenLeadingLaw (The new Awakening Lawyers website is not up yet) and you can send an email from the FB page.
Here’s to many more awakening lawyers in the world, transforming their corner of the justice system.