Rainmaker partner in law firm

The transition from law firm associate to partner isn’t just a change in title and status — it’s a fundamental shift in identity. Advice on making a successful leap.

As bestselling author James Clear wisely advises, “Decide the type of person you want to be. Prove it to yourself with small wins.” For lawyers making the associate-to-partner leap, this advice hits particularly close to home. Just when you’ve mastered the practice of law, you’re confronted with an entirely new challenge: building a sustainable practice. Success in this transition isn’t just about learning new skills or checking boxes on a business development plan. It’s about becoming a different type of lawyer altogether.

The leap from associate to partner means evolving from a “doer” to a “doer-seller.” Many new partners approach this challenge by creating lengthy to-do lists: attend more networking events, write more articles, schedule more coffee meetings, etc. But these tactical approaches often fall short because they miss an important truth — building a practice isn’t just about what you do; it’s about who you become.

Read more at Attorney at Work…


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