
The civil unrest experienced in our country recently undermined the Rule of Law, inflicted damage on the economy and led to a deeply concerning loss of lives and livelihoods. 

As a company anchored by the guiding principle of the Rule of Law, LexisNexis South Africa has strongly condemned the lawlessness that prevailed. 

With the focus now on rebuilding for many South African individuals and organisations, the leading legal technology company is using its expertise to set up a freely available online portal at Its purpose will be to assist the general public to know their rights in the aftermath of the recent devastating riots and looting.

The portal will also provide organisations and individuals with access to legal information around some of the complex issues currently at play in our constitutional democracy.  

Content will include pertinent primary law and expert commentary and guidance around topics such as financing options for rebuilding and recovery, force majeure, disaster management, insurance claims, violent protests, loss of intellectual property, data breaches, cyber-crimes and security, including the rights and duties of Community Policing Fora members, particularly relating to civilian neighbourhood patrols.

LexisNexis South Africa CEO and Chairperson of the Board, Videsha Proothveerajh, said, “As LexisNexis, we believe in transparency of the legal system, that economic development is dependent on the Rule of Law and that citizens should have free access to the laws of their country.

“No person is above the law. Truth, and therefore law, is based upon fundamental principles which can be discovered, but which cannot be created through an act of will,” she added.

LexisNexis has introduced similar free to access portals for the COVID-19 Free Resource Centre and the Action Against Gender Based Violence Resource Centre, working closely with the legal fraternity who offer their insights, expertise and commentary through articles, infographics, checklists and more. 

Legal professionals interested in submitting content for the new Rebuilding and the Rule of Law online platform can contact John de Villiers on

“As we all take the first steps of a long journey to renewal as a country, may it be one anchored by the Rule of Law, which we know builds stronger and safer societies,” said Proothveerajh.


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