With a lot of companies going back to the office or adopting a hybrid mode of working, in-person meetings have once again started to become the norm. With certain restrictions still in place, this brings up another issue of ensuring you have the right size room to accommodate the meeting participants. No one wants to schedule a meeting only to find the boardroom is already occupied!
Introducing BookIT – the smart room scheduling system!
BookIt is simple to use and a cost-effective way to manage your meeting space for you to avoid awkward double bookings and ensure your day runs like clockwork! You are able to schedule any room on the network from a BookIT touch panel located outside a meeting room, your mobile device or computer.
Room scheduling solution for all spaces and situations
Elegance, Style, and Functionality.
BookIT has set the standard for ease of use with an ultra-intuitive user interface and is simple to install with many mounting options available. The system screens and integrates seamlessly with MS Exchange™, Office 365™ and G Suite™, requiring no additional server or middleware.
BookIT benefits:
- No change in the workflow – if you can use your email client, you can book a room.
- No learning curve (anyone can use it)
- Better utilization of meeting room resources (saves money)
- Reduce no shows (saves money)
- Eliminate double booking (saves money)
- Reduce activity-based costing (self-service & saves money)
- Increase efficiency (no running around finding a place to meet and saves money)
Powerhouse Dictation have a range of quality Dictation, Transcription, Recording and AV products to help you become as productive and efficient as possible. Contact us now to find out more or arrange and demonstration on any of our products
Powerhouse Dictation
011 887 1056