Cannabis Update

The Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill was brought before parliament at the beginning of September. With the deadline of 30 September a week away, it looks like there might be an extension — though one has not yet been confirmed.

Once these comments have been aggregated by the committee on justice and correctional services, a decision can be made regarding when public hearings can be held and, if the 30 September deadline is met, these could occur during October. Following these, the department will provide responses to any queries raised and will also take these into account when the committee’s deliberations on the bill begin.

If all goes well, committee will adopt the bill and make recommendations to the national assembly that the bill be passed and subsequently disseminated amongst those members of the national council of provinces for concurrence. Once again, the process of passing comment and then deliberation occur and, following that, the eventual amendment and passing of the bill.

Policy position on the cultivation of hemp and dagga is another matter entirely and the draft policy generated for this is likely to stem from the presidency or the agriculture, land, reform and rural development department. Following publication, commenting, consultation and hearing, this policy will also be moved through to national assembly.

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