
Notice to the Conveyancer (03/2020)
Date: 13th May 2020

1. Background

Following the President of the Republic of South Africa announcement of the Risk Adjusted Approach of COVID-19 which introduced Alert Level 4 with effect from 01 May 2020, Deeds Registries were listed as part of the essential services which must resume work. The Deeds office has been placed under level 4.

The president has stated that the following should be complied with before any sector or department can be open:

•   opening must be done so in a phased manner,

•   workplace to be prepared for a return to operations,

•   return of the workforce to be in batches of no more than one-third.

•   adoption of a work-from-home strategy where possible.

•   All staff who can work remotely must be allowed to do so

The deep cleaning and decontamination/disinfection services in our building was carried out on Sunday 03 May 2020 in preparation of the reopening of the office.

The official date to resume duties in the Limpopo Deeds Registry is 13 May 2020 as determined by the Accounting officer in the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Reform, we would appreciate if the conveyancers can come after 08H30 in the morning so that we can finalize the outstanding logistics in preparation for the opening.

All services will be available and all lodgement will be accepted.

2.  Specific instructions to our personnel

Only one conveyancer at the time from a Law firm will be allowed in the building therefore Firms that are bringing their Clerks when coming to the Deeds Office are encouraged to leave them outside the premises to maintain a social distance.

Health screening and Sanitizing of hands at all entrance and exit points of the building will be conducted on regular basis and anyone who refuses health screening or whose body temperature exceeds the 38″C or refuses to be sanitized will not be granted access to our building, conveyancers will be required to wear the necessary Personal Protective Equipment all the time in the building for their safety and safety of our staff and restrict access in order to comply with guidelines.

3.  Staff complement

In keeping with the recommendations of limiting the amount of staff at work, a team list of staff has been drafted whereby a critical complement of staff will be available on any day to perform all the functions of the deeds registry on a rotational basis. Please bear in mind that we are operating on 1/3 of our staff therefore we anticipate an abnormality and backlog within our system

4.  Lodgment of Deeds

Please note that Limpopo Deeds Office will extend the lodgment period to allow smooth operating times from 08H00-12H00 which we anticipate it will reduce traffic during peak hours. Conveyancing firms linking in a set are encouraged to please link their set outside the premises and only send one firm to process the lodgment of the set, where possible.

5. Prep and Executions of Deeds

Please note that Limpopo Deeds Office will extend the execution period to allow smooth operating times from 08H00-12H00 which we anticipate it will reduce traffic during peak hours, Conveyancer will be required to execute their deeds and immediately leave the office, should there be any problems encountered  with their deeds during execution they will be telephonically contacted.

6.  Information Section

For Deed Office Tracking System, Copies of titles Deeds and Deeds search, Conveyancers are urged to use the Deedsweb to access such information or send an email to Impcorrespondence© . for email correspondence turnaround time will be 3 working day.

7. Finance and payment of outstanding account

The Deeds Registration Trading Entity account holders with difficulties to fulfil their payment obligation must approach the office to make the necessary payment arrangement

The office will ensure that the application to make payment arrangement is fully completed by the account holder stating detailed reasons for their request please find the attached form to be completed.

Registrar of Deeds: Limpop


Date 13 May 2020


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