Measures Restricting Access to Control the spread of Covid 19 virus Effective from 23 March 2020
The President’s address on Sunday evening, 15 March 2020 regarding the COVID 19 virus and government’s response thereto, including declaring the country in a state of disaster refers.
The Western Cape Deeds Office, in keeping with the directive to restrict movement of people and exposure to the virus will be putting the measures hereinafter stated, in place until further notice.
Gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibited. Schools, pre-schools, creches and colleges are closed. It is irresponsible of any parent to expose children to the risk of ’exposure” by bringing any child/ren onto our premises, given the risks involved and it goes against the very reason why schools have been closed.
Therefore,nochildorvisitormavbebroughtontoourpremisesandSecuritywillbeinstructedaccordin0lv to prevent same. If anv deeds office emolovee is unable to make an alternativearrangement, olease take annualleave.
SecuritywillalsobeinstructedtorefuseentrytoanYonenotauthorisedtodosobvtheRegistrar.betweenthehoursof18:30pmand0600am.Requestsforsuchauthorisationmustbesubmittedto theReaistrar
Given the extraordinary situation, it is incumbent and expected of all of us to be responsible, unselfish citizens and conduct ourselves accordingly and not unnecessarily expose others including children to this risk. As stated by the President if all of us behave responsibly we can sufficiently slow down the spread of the virus to allow scientists time to develop a vaccine or treatment to prevent its spread.
Please note that only the Director-General may authorize closure for an extended period .
Due to the nature of our business, working remotely is not an option.
We implore all deeds office employees and members of the public entering the premises to practice good personal hygiene and apply protective measures to protect themselves and others:
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer;
- Refrain from touching your face, nose and mouth as much as possible;
- When sneezing or coughing, cover your nose or mouth with a tissue or your elbow — not with your hand;
- Refrain from hugging, kissing and shaking hands;
- If experiencing the symptoms of fever, high temperatures, continuous coughing, sore throat or difficulty breathing, do not enter the premises but seek assistance via the medical helpline 0600123456 or by contacting your doctor;
- Social distancing; and
- Avoid clustering unless essential.
Any employee who has been to other countries within 14 days prior to entering our premises, even if within our continent, must produce a medical certificate confirming that he/she is not infected.
Evewone must refrain from spreading unsubstantiated rumours and oossip and cause oanic Interms of the Disaster Management Act, it is a criminal offence to so and may result inimprisonment of UD tO six months
Hand sanitizer has been made available at the entry points of the building, everyone is encouraged to please sanitize their hands before entering the building.
Access to the strong rooms is prohibited, unless by prior arrangement and the procedure for access as set out above to be followed.
We request all account holders to apply for copies of documents filed in these rooms as set out above or utilize the DeedsWeb website, if possible.
For pivot searches, an appointment must be made. Please send the request to Please include in the subject line: “PIVOT SEARCHES”. The information section will contact the applicant to make arrangements.
Admission onto the premises will be restricted and the right to restrict admission enforced. Conveyancers and their employees are expected to self-regulate and those that have travelled to foreign countries in the preceding 21 days should not come to these premises.
The room made available on the 13th floor will be closed until further notice. All equipment must be removed bv 12:00 pm, Fridav 20 March 2020 and if left on the premises will be confiscated by the department.
The firms are requested to liaise with each other and arrange for lodgements and hands -ins by one individual. No conve\cancer or their emplovee may linger on our premises or in examiners offices or utilize our premises/offices for storage of their deeds or equipment. If caught, such examiner will be disciplined, and a restriction on entry imposed on such conveyancer or their employee
Access to other areas is prohibited and anyone ignoring these restrictions will be removed from the premises and further restrictions imposed on such individual.
3. PRO BONO OFFICE -13th floor
This office will be closed with immediate effect until further notice.
The Information Section will be closed to the public as from 23 March 2020, until further notice.
We encourage all clients to search for information, obtain information and deeds via the DeedsWeb website za
All clients and account holders are requested to apply for copies of title deeds, by scanning and emailing the requests to our information section at These include the Reg 66, Reg 67, Reg 68 and Reg 70 copy requests.
Please note that the usual forms must be completed fully and correctly when making the application for the above copies and our circular in respect of Regulation 68 (1) must be complied with.
The applicant will be contacted once the information /document is made available, to uplift same as to where and when or it will be scanned to the applicant.
Alternatively , and especially for walk -in clients a box will be placed at the entrance of the building with application forms. The information request form containing name, contact details, and the information required. The client will be contacted by our cashiers to make payment into the deeds registration bank account and once confirmed, the printout or copy will be made, and the client will be contacted to uplift same.
Firms are requested to collaborate with one another to reduce the number of executing conveyancers. Remember the fewer the people the lower the risk to all of us.
This is not business as usual.
In future, time or day slots may be given to firms to execute i.e. rotation of days and firms for execution.
This will be monitored and reassessed daily .
Hand sanitiser has been made available at the entry points of the execution room, everyone is required to please sanitise their hands before entering the execution room.
Given the possibility that there may be a complete shutdown or a limited number of personnel available, firms are advised to lodge deeds that are correctly prepared. In the event of limited operations or a backlog, newly lodged deeds will be prioritized. Lodging in a new cover will still be picked up and will be immediately rejected.
Lodgements times is from 8:30 am to 10:15am.
Firms are requested to link batches for lodgement at their respective offices.
- No linking of batches will be allowed at the Deeds Office or in the entrance and foyer of the building.
- No loitering will be allowed in the lodgement room, passages or in examiners offices or other working areas.
- Once the deeds are lodged, the conveyancer or their employees must leave the lodgement room immediately.
- Conveyancers are requested to arrange lodgement during the times provided and not leave this to the last minute.
- No late lodgements will be allowed.
Hand sanitizer has been made available at the entrv point of the lodgementroom, everyone is required to please sanitize their hands before entering the lodqement room.
All firms are requested to make use of the deeds tracking system, DeedsWeb website to track their deeds as to their availability.
Access to the open boxes for deeds made available will be opened between 8:30 am to 10:00am.
Deeds must be returned to the firm’s boxes if not handed in and must not be removed from the premises.
Once the deeds are handed in for registration on the 12th floor, the conveyancer or their employee must leave the premises immediately.
No examiner maybe approached directly to attend to examiners notes, queries or any consultations.
The conveyancer must respond in writing to the notes raised and thereafter the deeds must be placed in the area designated at the Front Counter section by 9:30am.
The notes will be attended to by examiners, and thereafter the deeds will be placed in the respective prep boxes by 10:45 am.
HAND-INS will be open between 9:30am to 11:15 am .
Please ensure that replies to notes are clear coherent and concise.
Consultations with conveyancers is suspended. Conveyancers are requested to place requests/queries in the tray provided for in the secretary’s office. The conveyancer will be responded to in writing.
Only final black booking requests, for deeds longer than 7 days in the system, will be considered from 10:00am to 10:30a
Please refer to Registrar Notice 1 of 2020
These may be delivered between 8:30 am and 11:30 am as per normal practice.
For urgent service outside these hours and for service by the Sheriff, security will be advised to contact us for acceptance of the documents for service.
Registrar of Deeds
Cape Town