Please note

Please note that the following measures have been implemented in order to limit the spread of coronavirus and all are required to comply. 

Internal Controls:

  • Hand sanitisers have been procured and placed at all critical areas of the building (all entrances, sections and offices) for use by staff and clients.
  • The cleaning company has been engaged to use stronger chemicals for cleaning and the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting of all critical areas has been increased to hourly and twice a day.  Furthermore, carpet cleaning has been scheduled for the 20th of March 2020 and deep cleaning of bathrooms before the end of March 2020.
  • Staff and clients are required to sanitise their hands before entering the Deeds Office main doors.
  • Staff and clients are requested to wash their hands as frequent as possible and follow the basic hygiene measures and messages pasted at the Deeds Office noticeboard from time to time.

Travelling measures:

  • Should I staff member or client have travelled abroad suspected to be infected or indeed infected he said staff or client will not be allowed in the building unless I provide the office with proof that they have tested and they are not infected with the Covid-19 virus.


  • The main doors will be open by security and stay open for the day however clients are still expected to sign in.
  • Staff and clients must as far as possible use their own pen for signing in and out or sanitise their hands prior to use of the pen at security should they not have their own pen. Security will not touch bags for searching purposes the owner must open and present the contents to the security officials. Furthermore, the owner must remove the laptop from the bag and show the barcode or serial number to the security officer upon signing for the equipment.

Other limitations:

  • Law firms must limit the number of clerks and conveyances from the same firm to avoid the current limitations against gatherings and visit of more than 100 people.

Register of Deeds 


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