Municipal Property Rates act

From: City of Ekurhuleni
To: The Chief Registrar
The Registrar Johannesburg Deed Office
The Registrar Pretoria Deeds Office

1. In terms of section 89(3) of the above Act, Registrars of Deeds are compelled to call for rates clearance certificates with the transfer of all “property” as defined in section 1 of the said Act, as from 2 July 2009.

2. As an interim measure, and until a final arrangement as to the rating of property is made, the following measures will apply:

2.1.1 Registrars of Deeds need not insist on rate clearance certificate for rights registered against immovable property as provided for in the definition of property. This will have the effect that no rates clearance certificate need be called for the registration of inter alia, exclusive use areas, cessions of real rights of extension, cession of lease agreements and the cession of servitudes.

2.1.2 With regard to the transferring of sections simultaneously with the opening of sectional title scheme or registration of a phase development — a clearance certificate for the land on which the sectional title register or phase development is to be opened must be lodged; and no separate rates clearance certificates need to be lodged for the transfer of any sections which are registered simultaneously with the opening of a sectional title register or registration of phase development. The clearance certificate for the land lodged as contemplated in paragraph 2.2.1 will therefore suffice for the transfers of sections registered simultaneous with the opening of the sectional title register and phase development.

3. As already alluded to, the above is an interim measure until such time that Municipal Property Rates Act 6 of 2004 is amended to accommodate the above-mentioned.

4. Kindly note that the above measures only cover “property” falling within the jurisdiction of the City of Ekurhuleni.

5. This notification would be valid until 31 December 2025 or until such time before said date when alternative measures are put into place.

Kind Regards

Dr M Mashazi
Date: 20 January 2025

From: Dr M Mashazi
City Manager
Enq: Kagiso Lerutla
Group Chief Financial Officer
011 999 0006
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