Well, my experiment to drive engagement by posting good content, pictures and questions last week did not work. Let us look at a few more options and improve on a couple of things for the coming week.
Shorter posts get better engagement than long posts – 50 characters is what is recommended, if you can post something that short!
Leaving a blank in the question you post, is another way to improve the engagement – the blank offering the reader a choice of answers.
Respond quickly to people commenting and tag them in the replies, so that they are aware straight away that you have answered.
When posting video, as great as YouTube is, and is great food for Google rankings, when posting a video for your Facebook page, upload it directly to Facebook when adding a video – they obviously give more exposure to their own video system.
From our unsuccessful attempt to boost engagement on our Facebook page, we definitely improved our page, but the engagement failed in my view. We need to try improve on what we have started by using the above and sticking to our regular posts and interaction.
This coming week, we will also try boosting a post or two and see the results – it has been a while since I paid for Facebook promotion and it just attracted the wrong type of people.
What we did notice from this last week, is that humour with relative content gets a lot of attention and second in the popularity order is the asking of questions, or voting for a question.
Involve your fans on Facebook when making a decision on something. For example if you are printing new business cards and have two options and need to decide on one, ask you Facebook followers which one they prefer.
Let’s see what I can do to ramp up the engagement for a Facebook page this week and I will report next week, but thereafter we will move onto other law firm marketing ideas.