How many Christmas cards have you received in the last 2 weeks and will receive in the remaining days leading up to Christmas?
The answer I imagine will be “tons”, “too many”, “stax” to mention just a few expected replies!
If I asked you to tell me who you got these Christmas cards from – you would tell me a bunch of friends, clients or suppliers. But if I asked you to name them, I bet you that 95% of them would be forgotten – dropped into the “trash” folder on your email system and forgotten.
Now, for a slight adaptation of the festive wishes….
What if I asked you how many physical Christmas cards you received? The answer firstly would not be “stax”, it may be one or two. And to top this I guarantee that you remember who sent them to you.
Unless your electronic card is brilliant, it is lumped with the rest of the “personalised” cards like the ones you get from your friendly insurance company. Mail merged and spat out with your name in the message. To you and the 150 000 other personalised clients.
Go down to your closest stationary store and buy some good-looking Christmas cards and post them off to your special clients – if time is short, hand deliver them to their reception marked for the attention of your contact.
For next year, find a charitable organisation that does good work with Christmas cards – or if you cannot find them, do a special card from your firm (with the staff), have a good couple printed so you can send these out to your clients early.
A physical card will put your wishes in the top 10 with your client, having the wishes written by you (designated partner or paralegal if they have a good relationship) in pen – will make it one of the few remembered Christmas cards they get.
That is what makes one law firm stand out above the rest. Nothing expensive, nothing pushing the technology envelope – just your time and a little effort.
Merry Christmas to you all – sorry no physical cards, but I will give you great marketing advice instead 😉