man and lady sitting at the bar

A man is drinking alone at a table in a bar when a young lady comes up to him and asks him if it is okay if she sits down at the table with him.

“That would be fine”, he informs her with a friendly smile. “May I buy you a drink?”

“WHAT?! A MOTEL?!”, she screams out at the top of her voice. “YOU WANT ME TO LEAVE THIS BAR RIGHT NOW AND GO TO A MOTEL WITH YOU??!!”

“No, no”, he responds, a little shaken up at the misunderstanding. “I didn’t say anything about a motel. I only asked if I could buy you a drink to have here with me, that’s all.”

“WHAT??!!”, she screams out at the top of her voice. “YOU WANT TO DO WHAT WITH ME AT THE MOTEL?”

“No, I didn’t say anything about going anywhere with you”, he insists, then looks around to see everyone else in the bar glaring at him, so terribly embarrassed, he takes his beer and sits at a table in the farthest corner of the bar to finish drinking it, facing into the corner and away from everyone else in the bar.

A few minutes later the young woman comes up to him again and says, “I’m sorry I did that to you, but please allow me to explain. I’m a psychology student and I’m doing research into how people react to unexpected, bizarre and embarrassing situations. Again I apologise for any distress my actions may have caused you.”

And he screams out at the top of his voice, “WHAT??!! A THOUSAND RAND??!!”


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