Divorce – Q: Why are Jewish divorces so expensive?
A: Because they are worth every cent.
The Foetus
There is a hell of a lot of controversy in the Jewish faith about when exactly life begins.
In strict Jewish tradition, the foetus is not considered viable until it finishes medical school.
Q: Why don’t Jewish mothers drink?
A: Alcohol interferes with their suffering
School play
Young Sammy comes home from junior school and tells his mom Rivka he has a great part in the school play.
Rivka says: “What part is it, Sammy?”
Sammy says: “I play the part of the Jewish husband”.
Rivka says angrily: “Go back to those idiots, and tell them you want a speaking part”
Jewish holidays
This is a short summary of nearly every Jewish holiday – “they tried to kill us. We beat them. Let’s eat and drink – oy vey!”
Q: What is the difference between a Pit Bull and a Jewish mother?
A: Eventually the Pit Bull lets go.
Contributed by:
Barry Varkel, an attorney of the High Court of South Africa and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales.
Author of Nigiri Law