sabinetSabinet is delighted to share with you a bold new look and enhanced navigation experience with the launch of their new corporate website,

As a leader in the information industry, Sabinet wanted to make sure that they deliver even more relevant and easy-to-find information on their products and services to their stakeholders.

The redesigned website has a new look and improved functionality to ensure an easier and more engaging experience. Enhanced features will help with easier navigation and more updated information.

The website has always been a vital way for them to share information about their offering with their clients and stakeholders.

Start by exploring the library solutions, offering you a variety of services to all types of libraries, which will simplify processes and make these more cost effective. Also visit the Corporate Social Investment page to learn more about how Sabinet contributes to the educational, social and economic upliftment and development of deserving communities in South Africa.

The site also offers an array of Information Services such as African journal content, news research services and South African legal information.

Let Sabinet know what you think by joining the conversation on Facebook and Twitter. We aim to perfect your browsing experience.

Enter the new Sabinet site.


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