LPC warns lawyers not to lie about services offered


02 June 2022 

Dear Legal Practitioners 

It has come to the attention of the Legal Practice Council that certain legal practitioners and/or firms misrepresent the nature of the services which they offer to clients and/or potential clients. Examples of this are where a legal practitioner and/or firm present themselves as conveyancers and/or notaries, while they are in fact not admitted as such and cannot themselves offer the service in question. 

Kindly take note that any misrepresentation by a legal practitioner and/or firm is in contravention of the Legal Practice Act, 28 of 2014 and more specifically Clause 7.2.3 of the Legal Practice Council Code of Conduct: 

Legal practitioners shall ensure that all written and oral approaches (including letterheads) to clients, or potential clients, and all publicity, including the offering of services by publicity, made are published by or on behalf of a legal practitioner … do not mispresent the nature of the service offered.” 

Legal practitioners are reminded that any misrepresentation by a legal practitioner and/or firm of the nature of services being offered to the public amounts to misconduct and the LPC will take the necessary steps against such legal practitioner and/or firm. 

Kind regards 

Legal Practice Council 


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