Control measures related to coronavirus outbreak.
The President of the country issued directive is to regulate the control measures regarding the pan a pandemic outbreak of Covid – 19. One of the recommendations are cited below;
“Gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibitive and mass celebrations of national days are cancelled. Visit to all correctional centres of being suspended for 30 days with immediate effect. Non-essential international travel for government officials has been processed proscribed and non-essential domestic travel discouraged.”
These necessitated the Pretoria Deeds Office to come up with the following measures or risk of the office being closed for not complying with the president directors:
- Sanitising and washing of hands is compulsory.
- Covering their cough or sneeze with tissue and disposing of the tissue safety afterwards.
- Clients and staff members are required to use their own pens when signing in and out.
- Masks and gloves to be utilized by all.
- Due to the Corona pandemic a prick no kids will be allowed in the office please make necessary arrangements for the safety of the children.
- Avoid congestion.
- Avoid using your hands when pressing buttons.
- Covering the cough or sneeze with tissue and disposing of the tissue safely after that.
- In order to limit congestion during lodgement times, firms are requested to link batteries for lodgement at their respective offices and send the linked patches to the Deeds Office for lodgement.
- Conventions are requested to arrange lodgement across the allowable timeframe between 8 o’clock and 10:15 and not leave this till the last minute.
Preparation Section
- Prep could be moved to the afternoon.
- Firms with multiple prep clerks must limit the number of the clerks in the Deeds Office at any given time.
- Only conveyancers are permitted at execution.
- Law firms with multiple conveyancers are advised to use the conveyances on their rotational basis so as to limit the number at execution.
- Worst case scenario certain firms to come on certain days.
- Consultation will be limited to small numbers of clients.
- Putting forward of deeds to be limited. It will only be considered when the rates clearance and or HOAa is lapsing.
- Conveyancers are urged to large 38 on time. The deeds must have been in the system for five working days is required by the act. Automatic
- Put forward will be granted where corrective maintenance was done.
- Examiners will only be consulted by conveyances.
Officials showing symptoms of coronavirus
- Officials showing symptoms will be encouraged to seek medical intervention and self-quarantine.
Other Proposals
- Temperature scanner is to be used.
- A proposal was made that the prep clerks be allocated on the 18th floor.
- Extension of time at execution.
Registrar of Deeds