Regulatory Update

New Directions regarding the re-opening of schools and measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the National Department of Basic Education, and Provincial Departments of Education, and all schools in the Republic of South Africa were published by the Minister of Basic Education. The directions published in GG 43465 are available at:…/Gazett…/43465_23-6_BasicEdu.pdf.  The previous directions as published under GN 302 in Government Gazette 43372 of 29 May 2020 and amended by the Government Notice 304 in Government Gazette 43381 of 1 June 2020 are withdrawn by the new directions.

The Department of Social Development published the following Circular: Circular regarding preparation and planning for the re-opening of Early Childhood Development programmes and/or Partial Care Facilities that provide an after-school service, subject to the announcement of a date by the Minister of Social Development.

View the latest edition of the Lexinfo Covid-19 Regulatory Update at:


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