Anti social media

Next week Tuesday, 30th May 2023 at 8:30am, I will be hosting a zoom session on the above topic in a video/vlog/podcast called “Tech Talk Legal” hosted by Tech4Law. The idea behind this initiative is to have a regular post, to share a quick 15min recording, which can be watched live or later when you have time.

Date: 30th May 2023

Start Time: 8:30am (as you take your first sip of morning coffee at your desk)

End Time: 8:45am (halfway through your morning coffee)

Platform and invite URL: Zoom

Subject: Social media for SLF, when you don’t like social media (Small Law Firms)

Speaker: Malcolm Pearson – Tech4Law.

In short, this is a very informal information share, where a speaker will share what they know on a topic, the listeners can then discuss the topic in more detail in LinkedIn or on the Tech4Law website. The discussions will direct the topics as we go forward, and we can pull experts in as we go.

Looking forward to future discussions and hope you see me next week Tuesday.


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