sabinet logoSabinet has signed an agreement with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) during July 2013 which will allow Sabinet to include all CCMA awards to Sabinet Labour, its online South African labour product.

The adding of the CCMA awards will be of great value to the existing users of this service, as they will be able to view all the historical CCMA awards, while simultaneously being kept up to date with all of the latest awards. The convenience created by this enhancement to the product is that users of this service will receive all the available electronic labour court judgments and CCMA awards on one central place. Ros Hattingh, MD of Sabinet, reinforces Sabinet’s commitment to excellent client service, and adds “Sabinet always strives to add value to its existing products to assist the users, by giving them a user friendly experience, as well as helping them find the relevant information in the easiest way possible.”

Sabinet Labour was introduced to the market during the end of last year and offers access to labour judgments, labour related legislation as well as access to all registered and published South African Bargaining Council Agreements. It also contains references and, where available, links to relevant articles from labour judgments from which, clients can access the full text of some of these articles via the African Electronic Journals (SA ePublications) Labour Collection of online labour journals.

Supplementary enrichments to the product include the addition of more than 4000 older labour judgments, retrospectively as supplied by the South African Labour Court; weekly alert newsletters which were launched to inform clients what judgments were added to the system; as well as information on which Bargaining Council Agreements were updated or added to the system.

Sabinet has further included A – Z lists with important information pertaining to Trade Unions, Trade Union Federations and Employers’ Organisations. Additionally, there are twenty nine up-to-date labour related acts, court forms, court rules, practice directives for the labour court as well as certain procedures that have been added to this product for the convenience of clients. Further more, clients can also view the Cases related to the Act and sections of the Act which provide them with a list of all the cases that refer to a specific section of the Act.

For more information contact Sabinet on 012 643 9500 or email


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