19 September, Sandton/Johannesburg (18h00 – 21h00) – 3rd Johannesburg Legal Tech Meetup with Joanne Perold on “Organic Agility”
Our 3rd Johannesburg Legal Tech Meetup will look at how organisations can prepare themselves to leverage and absorb legal tech developments.
Joanne Perold, a passionate Agile Coach and Trainer and self-proclaimed ambassador for the people side of software development, will talk about ‘Organic Agility’, an evolutionary approach to organizational agility and resilience. We will delve into the world of Agile Strategy Maps, Cynefin and many more!
Target audience: Anyone interested in legal tech, technology enablement and corresponding (re)design of legal services, is very welcome. Big Data, AI, Legal Design Thinking, Human-centred Design, Legal Project Management, Access to Justice and other contributing aspects to disrupt traditional legal delivery models are contextualised. All skill and seniority levels and backgrounds are invited to network, share and contribute ideas and insights. We aim to build a vibrant, innovative and productive community in Africa’s economic hub that fills the existing silence.
Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Link to registration: https://www.meetup.com/Johannesburg-Legal-Tech-Meetup/events/263864720/