Africa humour

At least we can smile at ourselves…here are a few images that make us smile about our beloved Africa.


boneless bananas

Do I Need to pay corkage

How much do you charge for chicken corkage?

hang on while I get a better signal

Hang on, I am just going to find a better signal!

keep that beer safe

I was told to keep the beers safe!

leaking dark room

lion warning moz

A good warning to “outdoorsmen” – but I love the identifying an adult lion at the end!

Ministry of light

One way of fixing the darkest Africa stigma.

new opening times at 24hour store

We have a whole new meaning to 24hours here in Africa!

no sign needed

No sign needed!

proudly SA braai pack

Yes Doll, get me one of those Proudly Zouf African braai packs.

real danger

This guys is not beating around the bush, this is a real danger warning.

road painting gone wrong

Maybe his mentor told him that the arrows always faced each other.

Uber africa

UBER Africa


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