Covid-19 regulatory update

Today’s edition includes the following:

  • The Protocol issued by the Judge President of the Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa on 4 June 2020 regarding Access by the Media to Physical/In Person and Virtual Court Hearings in the High Courts of the Gauteng Division.
  • The Second Amendment Directions (GN664 GG 43420 p3 10Jun2020) amending the Directions published in GG 43162 on 26 March 2020. The Directions concern
    • temporary measures in respect of the entry into or exit from the Republic for emergency medical attention for a life-threatening condition,
    • the evacuation of South African nationals to the Republic,
    • the repatriation of foreign nationals to their countries of nationality or residence or the return of South African nationals to their place of employment or study outside of the Republic,
    • as well as the extension of the validity period of an asylum seeker permit issued, and refugee status granted, in terms of the Refugee Act 130 of 1998.

All editions of the Lexinfo Covid-1 Regulatory Update may be viewed at


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