handsanitiser for Covid

The following gazette notices are included in today’s edition:

  • Determination of correctional facilities as places of detention of illegal foreigners pending deportation, for the duration of the period of the national state of disaster in terms of the Immigration Act 57 of 2002.

GN512 GG 43292 p3 7May2020


  • Directions issued by Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002. Amendment of GN399 of 25 March 2020, as amended by RGN432 of 30 March 2020. Direction 6.7 ‘Municipal operations and governance’ is substituted.

GN510 GG 43291 p3 7May2020


  • Directions issued in terms of section 27(2)(f) of the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 on the once-off movement of persons and the transportation of goods for purposes of relocation. Date of commencement: 7 May 2020. The purpose of these Directions is to facilitate the movement of persons and goods within and across provincial, metropolitan or district boundaries during the period of Alert level 4.  
  1. The movement of persons and goods, where –
    1. new lease agreements were entered into before or during the lockdown period: or
    2. the transfer of immovable property occurred before the lockdown period, requires a change in place of residence. including the transport of goods to a new place of residence, within the Republic.
  2. The circumstances in subparagraph (a) require the once-off movement of persons who are relocating to their new place of residence, as permitted in terms of regulation 16(5): and
  3. The transport of goods within the Republic is permitted in terms of regulation 22(1)(f).
    GN513 GG 43293 p3 7May2020

All editions of the Lexinfo Covid-19 Regulatory Update can be viewed at  https://www.lexinfo.co.za/covid19.


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