top10articlesWe thought it would be a good idea to have a summary of the most popular articles from 2010, some we may have forgotten or missed the article entirely.

Although surveys are extremely difficult for us to motivate readers to partake, the results always seem to generate a high interest when they are released – so in the future please encourage as many people as you can to take part in the surveys – the results are always very interesting and the more input we get the more accurate the results.

Step by step assistance articles around word processing are also popular – especially the Word tips.

Here are the articles in order of popularity:

Best prices for MS Office 2010
We looked at the pricing of MS Office from the various super stores and compared those to the online stores. The pricing options via Product Key Cards and Volume Licensing were also discussed.

Attorney Salary Survey – Results
The survey was a great success and we hope we can do another survey this year with even better response to improve the results. The visual graphs did all the talking.

Step by Step – MS Office 2010 – Wow Features
We highlighted the “Wow” features from the new version of MS Office that were relevant to the legal profession.

One click Calculation in MS Word – Best kept secret
How to quickly use a calculate button in MS Word to do fast calculations – not even the help manuals talk about this feature!

Electronic billing in South Africa – what is required?
A great article written by Grant Christianson on the electronic billing. Well done Grant, good article.

USB devices – What is the correct way to remove a USB device?
A question we have all asked ourselves, but never really got a direct answer.

How to clean your notebook screen for next to nothing!
Protect your computer screen by using day to day solutions that don’t cost a fortune.

The “High Price” of using your Cell-Phone or 3G Modem without precautions
A good article by Craven Coetzee on issues around 3G and data usage to protect you from nasty cellular bills. Thank you Craven a very popular topic and well covered.

The South African Law Firms Hourly Rate Survey Results
How wrong we were with the hourly rate, we had to change the upper limits 3 times to accommodate the higher hourly rate and we ended up still being short in the end. The upper limit was R2500 per hour and we still had resondents saying they charged more per hour. A great response to the results – encourage more people to take part in the next one.

Netbook for office, mobile and home
A look at the Gigabyte netbook at a very reasonable price at the time. It is even cheaper now! Nice docking station for office use.

Those are the popular articles from 2010, we hope this year will bring multiples of the same and that with your feedback we can narrow down the categories and deliver the real “crunchy” stuff that makes a difference to all South African legal firms.
Thank you all for your support and contributions through 2010 – may 2011 be tenfold!


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